Sailing with and old friend

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Rayla POV

For some reason, Nyx brought us to a human village just outside of Xadia's border. Hoping we can pawn someone to give two elves, a king, a mage, and a guard, a month-long voyage across a sea that was rarely used. Ya, I had my doubts about this going our way, my nerves were about shot, I was sick of hearing Nyx going on and on but her 'travels'  It seemed once she finished one story the next would spark like a loud gun. I seriously wonder how mad the Queen would be if I gutted her. Did we really need a guide that badly? The worst part was that Callum, Ezran, and Soren went off to try and find a boat leaving me alone with her. "So how are you and lover boy?" She asked me "Just  fine," I said in a mod tone "Good really good, so what base are you on?," she said wiggling  her eyebrows "What?" "You know like first, second, third base," she said with that annoying smirk of hers "I don't see how that is any concern to you" I replied to my luck the boys had made it back stopping this conversation. Callum and Ezran had huge grins on their face "Why are you two smiling?" I asked "You'll see" Callum replied before grabbing my hand and dragging me to the docks I was not looking forward to this.

When we walked up to the docks I  got a sense of deja vu. A man with a parrot and red hair had his back to us, When he heard us he turned around and as I suspected there stood the samee blind captain who took Ezran, Callum and me across the sea when we were returning Zym home.

"We're back" Callum said  "Ohya great we'll get on in the morning" 

"Why not now?" Ezran asked "Well you said it's a month trip so I need to stock up the boat" Vallids responded 

We all nodded our heads "Is there anything we could do?" Callum asked "Actually there is  seeing as I can't see if I give you a list can you pick up all the supplies".


To get things done  faster  we split into two groups, Ezran and Soren went one direction and Callum and me the other, Nyz had stayed on the ship with  Vallids  which I was thankful. "You seem lost in thought" Callum said bringing me out of my day dream "what?" I said shaking my head and looking at him "what ya thinking about?" he asked "oh nothing just thinking really" I replied Callum nodded his head and then started to swing our inclosed hands ever so slightly back and forth. "Okay so what's on the list" I asked with his other hand Callum looked down at the list that Vallids had given us. "Since Ez and Soren went for the food we just need stuff mainly for the ship so -rope -canvas -gule -candle -matches lots of matches" he said I let out a slow whistle "That going to be a steep bill" he kissed my cheek "Did you forget you're dating a prince?" he smiled "No just didn't take it your caring the treasury with you" I laughed. He squeezed my hand "Trust me we're more prepared this trip" He said. A smile made its way to my face. 

We kept walking through town heading to the first shop but I couldn't get passed some of the looks we were receiving, well mainly me. Sure with the peace we've had for two years has helped things between elves and humans but there was still some people and towns you didn't see an elf and human together. Unlike Katoils which surprisingly warmed up to me quite fast when I was there. which made me wonder did they hate me when I didn't return with Callum did they resent me for break the prince's heart. Callum told me he was in a terrible place so I imagined all of Katiols wonder what had happened to there prince/ highmage they must have put two and two together. As much as I dreaded the answer I have to know because if we make it through this war I was going to return with him if he asked me too. "Does Katiols hate me?" I asked not looking at him. He was shocked at the question "huh no why would they?" He tugged on my hand indicting me to stop, I did so our bodies facing each other but I still didn't look at him. I shrugged my shoulders "When you returned from the moon nexus and I wasn't with you I'm sure it raised questions and with your depression state they had to know what happened so do they resent it me for it?" I said finally looking at him I found his green eyes staring at me they were soft, gentle.  He shook his head "They were never told" he said softly I looked at him confused and raised and eyebrow "what do you mean? They had to, when you came back without beside you and then your depression state right after and not attending meets and such, how wouldn't they?" I asked his gaze never faltered  "Ezran told them a lie, he said you were gone on a mission and a return date was unknown, as my me not being there he said I was deep in research and working on my new position as the highmage. The only one who knows the real story besides Ezran and Soren is Opeilla otherwise everyone was fed a lie" he  said softly. I returned his gaze "Why? I hurt you and yet you still lied about my whereabouts" He squeezed my hands "It wasn't at total lie you were on a mission and we didn't know when or if you would return and I did because despite how bad you hurt me I still loved you, I never stopped and going backwards in peace because we 'broke up' wasn't worth it. So a white lie  was told" I smiled at the last part he gave me a quick kiss which I gladly returned before we continued to walk. "and why do ask?" "It's silly really" I replied "That doesn't matter, tell me" He said softly "We'll if we survive stopping Aravous and this would be completely up to you but I've thought about coming back with you and being at your side, that's if you wanted me too" I said  and his smile grew "you have no idea how much I would love that" my smile grew with his and it stayed on my face the rest of the time.


short and sweet because writer's block sucks.  Anything you want  to see put it in the comments  I'd love to make it work.

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