Middle night adventures

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Callum POV

Waves slapped against the side of the ship making it rock uncontrollably. It jolted Rayla and I up. As we sat there for a second before jumping out of bed and grabbing our shirts from the floor before making it out the door.
When we arrived above the deck everyone was surrounded by the wheel looking outwards the raging sea.
"What's going on?" I asked "I'm afraid we're in a Strom" Vallids said "Really? What gave that away" Rayla replied "That's not the only thing there's a sea leviathan that seems to be circling the the ship" Nyx said causes all of us to rush the side of the boat just in time to watch the leviathan's tail smack the water before it submerged under the water. 

Time seemed to sit still none of us dared to move. "What are we going to do?" Ezran questioned "get back to the middle of the boat" Vallids ordered "that way no one falls in" we all obeyed standing in the circle our backs to one another our eyes staying on the water in hopes of seeing the leviathan movement. "Are best bet is to sit still not draw any attention to ourselves in hopes it swims off" Nyx said

"We're sitting ducks out here, it knows we're here. Otherwise it wouldn't be circling it's getting ready to strike in the next few minute this boat going  to start going down if we don't think of something." Rayla said confirming what she said the wind had started to pick blowing out uncontrollably and rain had started to pour down on us hard the water around us was misty and you couldn't see a thing that's when the  leviathan had deiced to hit. The right side of the boat was hit it sending us all to the beck as the boat rocked with the impact.

Before any of us had time to get up the front of the boat being pushed in the air we all started to slide down I was waiting for the pain of hitting the walls at the back of the boat then the water. When it didn't come I realized Rayla's hand was holding my forearm her other hand griped tight around her sword that she buried deep in the floor's wood realizing what she was doing I caught Ezran hand as he slide past me him doing the same for Nyx her catching Vallids arm as Soren grabbed hold of his leg while catching Zym by the tail. 

I've always known Rayla was strong not just mentally but physical but even I knew she couldn't hold all of our weights not for long anyway it was both humanly and elvenly impossible. I looked up at her. Her hair was getting stuck to the side of her face from the rain and getting in front of her eyes having no time to put it back up, but I could still see her eyes were shut her face was scrunched up in pain as she bit her lip from crying out. "My hand starting to slip" she yelled out with the all our weight and the water combined it wasn't a surprising at all there was nothing she could do. Before her hand slipped out gravity had come to it senses taking the boat back the way it came. No one could stop the screams and yelling that came when the small boat picked up speed landing in the water hard sending all of us in the air and back to the wood floor. The pain that went through my body was horrible but I didn't dell on it.

I immediately got on to my knees and crawled to Rayla not trusting my legs. She was laying on her side painting heavily her whole body shaking. I softly gripped the shoulder "Hey, Ray. You Okay?" I quickly brushed her the hair out of her face in time to catch her nodded her head. Everyone slowly got to the knee or legs after a few seconds "Dam girl you have killer body strength" Nyx said I helped Rayla get to her knees her arms shaking as she hold them flat against the floor her body hunched over she coughs out a laugh "Thanks. Six years of training pays off"

"Yeah well remind me not to getting into a fight with you" Nyx jokes Rayla's just nodded her head as she started coughing  I slowly rubbed her back till she stopped. "Alright we can't just waiting around for that to happen again, we have to do something" I said. "We don't exactly have the boat to capture one of them so what else can we do?" Soren adds 

"Pretty boy is right, if we even were to mange to get a hook in it, we'd be in even worse spot then we just were."  Nyx said "It would destroy the boat" Rayla said

"We could always through the glow toad in for a distraction and make a getaway" Nyx said nonchalantly

"NOOO" we all said she shrugged "thought I'd ask, I'm out of ideas then."  

"Leviathan are creature of the sea, we're in it's element so lets use it's element against it." Rayla says while standing up her legging shaking as she goes. I was quick to follow her just in case she need anything but letting her doing it on her own knowing she hated being smothered. The looked around the boat, rain was still pouring down on us the wind still howling and you still couldn't see within a foot from the boat but the light that shown through every now and again through the mist was no mistake as lighting. Rayla turned to me a smirk forming on her lips

 "We're going to make a storm around the whole boat"  

We all looked at her with confusion "What?" 

"Leviathan may be a creature of the sea but they not going to swim in straight into storm, so Callum going to make a storm around the boat like a barrier till it swims off." 

"I-I'm not sure if I even know a spell like that" I said grabbing for my sketch book flip frantically through the pages  

"You made the Wind dome on our way to Rex Igneous lair, surely you can something similar with lighting? Your the High mage of Katiols. If anyone can do it , it's you." Ezran encouraged

I kept flipping through the pages no spell popping out at me that would work "any day now mage" I groaned "I don't know just give me a second" The boat started to rock back and fourth again getting faster and faster. "Time's up" Nyx said "Hope you have something our we're all about to be fish food" 

I slammed the book together "alright, alright I got it" I pulled my staff from behind me and held in my left hand and stuck out my right hand I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, I drew the rune in hopes I did it right having not done this one before "fuliminrizgo" I said felt the magic shoot through the staff so much I brought the second hand to steady it as lighting shot right up into the sky just passed the sails the wind picked right up on the sides and started to whip around the ship in a circler motion lighting following it. 

"It's working" Rayla cheered "how long till it'll leave?" Soren asked 

"Give it sometime. It doesn't want to fried no more then anything else" Nyx said

"I'm getting tired guys this takes to much energy" I said closing my eyes trying to concentrate I could feel my chest rise faster and faster and the energy drain from body for holding the spell to long. I felt a hand on my shoulder but didn't bother to open my eyes to see how it was Rayla voice soon filled my eyes with words of encouragement "Just a little longer, your doing great"

"Come on Callum you can do it" Ezran cheered. I few seconds passed possibly minutes

"Alright that should do it" I immediately broke the spell and braced my hands to my knees to catch my breath. Rayla stayed by me as the other went to the side to see if they could spot the leviathan.

"Looks like we're in the clear" Ezran said "alright lets get out of the rain" Soren added. I looked up to see Rayla nodded eagerly clearly hating be wet.

"I'll set the coordinates" Vallids  said 

"Next stop the grassland ports for the you two." Nyx said looking at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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