a nightmare

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(A/N * warning* blood content, mention of death and name calling skip till the next normal text if this bothers you. the dream texts is in slant form)

Rayla P.O.V

I was walking around a forest in the middle of the night all of a sudden I stumbled to the ground I looked and I had a stab wound in my thigh. While training to be an assassins they Runaan told me not to panic in a situation like this. I was doing my best so far but the further I got the more pain I started to feel . All of a sudden I twig snapped behind a went to reach for my swords only to realize there not there I then started to panic I was in the middle of no where with a stab wound affecting my walking and nothing to defend myself with. I then heard foot step multiple that where surrounding  me and coming closer for the first since I was a kid I was useless. I immediately fell to ground and started to cry. I hated to cry It should weakness but for some reason this was all to much. 

suddenly a male voice came for out of no where and I knew the voice just couldn't pin point it all the moment

"look what as come of you, a failure crying on the ground" then the voice stepped out of the shadows my father stood there looking down on me "am ashamed to have called you my daughter"

"d-d-dad what-"

I was cut off when my stepped beside him "you don't even know how to get us out if those coins"

 Then Runaan came out of the other side of the the trees "you failed us Rayla just liked you failed all the assassins it's your fault they died it' your fault am stuck in a coin"

"No No No No" I started to cry even harder "am sorry please, please just let me be"

my mother looked am me with such venom it would make anyone curl into a ball "you will always be a orphan no will love you, your just a broken moon shadow elf who always runs when stuff gets thick"

"No that not true, it not true Callum he loves me" 

My father was the next one to speak " that human how could he ever love you your an ELF and you left him on his birthday who dose that"

I was sobbing so much I could barley form a sentences "H-he for gave for that he knows why I left"

"are you sure about that" Runaan asked 

then another figure appeared in front of me, my eyes where so glossed over from crying I couldn't tell who it was. After I few second of me try to concentrate my eyes focused on Callum who stood there with such hate in his eyes I've ever seen before.

"you thought I could ever forgive you for what you did let alone love you again your more pathetic then I thought"

Everyone I've cared about in the past few years showed up and started talking down to me My parents, Runaan, Ethari, Callum, Ezran, Soren 


"Insolent child"




it went on I finally had to strength I stood up and limped away fast as I could I ran till I couldn't hear their voices anymore but the moment I looked  I tripped over something  when I looked down to see what I tripped over I seen Callum his face pale with a stab wound in his lower abdomen I screamed and scooched back words till my back hit the back of a tree I looked ahead to see all of the Katoils guards dead, along with Opeli, Ezran,Callum, Soren, all of silver grove, The Dragon queen, Zym it could go on all dead.

"There dead because of you" someone said then Claudia appeared in front of me. Her hair was all white her eye black as the night she held a staff  in her hand and in her other one, one of my swords cover in blood my blood 

I knew I had the look of pure terror " what did you do?"

"oh I did nothing but you on the other hand well lets just say there blood is on your hands" she smirked

I looked down at my hands to I was covered in blood

"see this is ALL your fault it's always your fault if you had never showed up at the castle everyone would still be alive, Callum would still be alive you meeting him led him to this fate. maybe if you weren't born your parents would still be here Runaan would still be here"

"No that not true this isn't real you did this to him you betrayed him"

"But it is Rayla" she turned around and pointed at Callum then looked at me "This is real and it's your fault and you left him we're not so different"

"No, No, No, No" I repeated over and over again

"It would be for the best if you didn't exist at all" she then knelt beside  plunged my sword in my stomach

I screamed then my eyes went dark

Someone was shaking me 

"Rayla wake up"

I shot up my breathing was really heavy and everyone was in my room looking at me with worry

Callum was sitting beside me, Ezran was at my feet along with Zym and Bait and Soren was in the doorway

"what happened" I asked 

"you were screaming in your sleep for 10 minutes" Callum said 

"sorry didn't mean to wake you all up"

"It okay Rayla we we're just worried about you" Ezran said

"thanks Ez"

"Do you need anything" Callum asked

"ya a glass of water would be nice"

"I'll go get you one" Soren said 

"Do you want to talk about it" Callum asked

"not now maybe in the morning when my nerves calm down"


"Do you want us to stay with for the rest of the night we could have a sleepover like we used to do in the castle" Ezran asked

I chuckled "sure Ez"

Soren walked back in with my water and handed it to me

"Thanks Soren"

"No problem"

"Me and Ez are staying the rest of the night in here are staying" Callum asked Soren

"ya I'll go get a blanket and take the floor" 

Ezran climb beside my right with Bait between us Callum laid down on my left and through the blanket over us Zym curled up at our feet. Once we were all comfortable Soren walked in with his blanket and a pillow and slept on the floor. Callum slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer and then I fell asleep.

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