tip toeing

872 10 13

Rayla P.O.V

I don't know how long me and Callum stayed out there for ,all I know it was late but it was worth being tired the next day besides I could sleep in we all had nothing to do since we had to wait for Zubeia to get back. I was enjoying sleeping for once that was until Ezran brought me out of it by knocking on my door.

"Hey Rayla have you seen Callum he's isn't in his room"

Callum and me immediately shot up and where wide awake and no it's not what you think again it was late and we where both extremely tired and my room was closest.

" hang on Ez"

"What do we do"

"Hiding behind the door"

"Are you serious that's the most common place to hide"

"It's that or underneath the bed pick one besides it's not likely he's gonna come in here accusing you of being in here"

"Fine the door it is"

Callum hid behind the door as I opened it

"Hey Ez what's up"

"Have you seen Callum I can't find him anywhere?"

"Uh no haven't seen since him yesterday am sure he's fine probably just flyin around"

"Okay thanks and while we're on the topic of Callum I have one question "

"What's that"

"When are you two going to work things out?"

"I don't know Ez soon hopefully why?"

"Because I miss you two together you brought out the best in him and made him the happiest he ever was, I know that he's pushed you away since you came back but that's because he still loves you"

"Thanks Ez I'll be sure to keep that in mind"

When I shut the door I couldn't get that stupid grin off my face Callum stood there with his arms crossed

"That little shit"

I laughed "okay lover boy go after your brother and make up some reason why you where out flying around"

"Not before my morning kiss" he quickly kissed my lips, then he pocked his head out the door and then left the room

I sighed in content then grabbed my swords then went to leave but apparently Stella had other plans she just sat there on the bed not leaving apparently

"Jealous are we"

She just chattered at me crossing her arms and turning her head. I giggled at her reaction.

"Oh come on Stella your always going to be my number one girl now let's go get some breakfast"

*time skip after breakfast because I don't know what to write*

We where all bored to say the least there wasn't much to do at the storm spire, we where all just laying around the dragon den talking occasionally. The day has seemed to just drag on Soren asked if I cared to spar with him, of course I won unlike the last time when I was distracted at the moon nexus is face was priceless when I sept the leg on him. 

It was nearing the end of the day and even though we might be on the break of the end of the world I was actually happy to spend time with everyone after two years. Before I knew it we where all headed to bed.

It was probably midnight when there was a small knock on the door when I  opened the door there stood Callum with a smile on his face 

"Hey stranger" I smiled


I opened the door "are you coming in or what?"

he chuckled and stepped into my room we both walked over to my bed and laid down it was peaceful that is until I decided to break the silence 

"am sorry"

"huh for what?"


"Rayla you already explained yourself you don't have to do it again"

"I know but we missed so much time together and its my fault I've told you before that moon shadow Elves aren't supposed to show fear and I didn't want to show the fear of losing you and well what am trying to say is that running is all I know how to do I tried to save you form pain but just end up causing you more pain and am sorry"

"It's alright I understand and what matters is that your here now and promise me you wont leave again and talk to me if you have any more nightmares"

"I promise"

with that I snuggled into Callum side a fell into a blissful sleep


sort chapter sorry

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