a distraction

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Rayla POV

We'd been on the water for no longer than an hour and I already hated it. We all sat around at the top deck with Vallids. For some reason, it was silent even Nyx was quiet. I stood against the railing sharpening my swords, Callum was drawing in his book, Soren was down below doing some sort of sword tricks, Ezran was playing with Bait and Zym and Nyx was 'stretching her wings' I had my doubts she'd come back. "Nyx had been gone for a half an hour how much are we betting she's not coming back," I said breaking the silence "Think again" Nyx landed on the edge of the boat with a smile like she was happy that she proved me wrong. I rolled my eyes as she stepped onto the main deck.

"We'll Since there's nothing but water ahead of us I think we should discuss where were going from here" Nyx said "We have a month to think about that what pressing on it now?" Ezran asked. By now Soren had joined us and stood beside Ezran. "Claudia is a week ahead of us we'll never catch up to her" Soren said "exactly"  Nyx added. "So if we can't stop them from releasing Aavrous-" Callum started "We need to find out how to kill a star-touch elf" I finished "Now that information doesn't just lay around if it exist at all but there is an island that contains a library with all sorts of magical info the queen asked me to bring two of you there and then counite the journey with the other two to the water dragon"  Nyx said "You want us to split up?" Callum asked "No way" I said "not happing that wasn't the plan" "Well it is now. You two" She pointed at me and Callum "are going to the library to find whatever you can we drop you off in a week" she walked off leaving the rest off us to our thoughts. "We can't split up not when were literally on the break of a war" Callum said "We have no choice Callum this has to done" Ezran responded. We didn't talk after that we all went to do different things we could to keep our minds busy sometimes it was better not to think about the impeding doom that was approaching us.

( 16+ it's not smut just supper fluffy.  a severe make out session read if you want you won't be out of the loop their basically saying there scared or whatever to split up so they distract each other lol if that bother's you feel free to skip to the next chapter) 

I ending up helping where I could on the boat doing some sparing with Soren. My body was exhausted and to make everything worse the rocking of the boat was not good for motion sickness I was feeling. God I hated water. It also didn't help I was uneasy about split up as well. It was dark and everyone had gone to bed long ago yet here I stood on the end of the boat in the dark fighting off my motion sickness as the boat swayed from side to side. For some reason my mind kept swirling with thoughts and I couldn't close my eyes even if I wanted to so I simply started at the half moon. It wasn't full by any means but I could still feel the power in my veins and soul I itched to be invisible. I wanted to feel some form of adrenaline. I wanted the rush but you wouldn't feel anyone on this boat or so I thought. "What are you doing out here?" I turned around seeing Callum approaching me "Sorry couldn't sleep" I replied with a slight smile. When he reached me he wrapped his arms around my shoulder and I leaned in to his side. We stood in the silence for a while just staring at the moon. "You going to tell me what's bothering you" I let out a sigh "little of everything really my parents stuck in coins, we're going off on a dangerous mission, the world might end, my body is sore and for the strangest reason my body is itching for an adrenaline rush and it bother's me that we have to split up nothing ever good comes of it" I said not bothering to look at him I could feel him nodded his head "Me too I hate watching my little brother go the opposite direction of me but there nothing we can do" I nodded my head in response "you know what I think you need?" He asked "Hmm" I replied "a distraction" he said I could practically feel the smile on his face. I looked at him but before I can open my mouth to ask him what he meant he crashed his lips into mine. This kiss was long, sure we had made-out before but this time it was different this time Callum made sure I was only thinking about him and I was. It was like we were starving for each other and hadn't kissed in years. This kiss came from deep down in my soul where my heartburn's only for this man. Our tongue's tangled together in war with a locked mouth as we fought for dominance that I obviously won. Unfortunately for me it felt like it was over just as fast as it started as both our lungs craved oxygen that we so desperately needed so I slowly let his lips go from my teeth. We both breathed and panted for air. My lungs hurt but yet I wanted more but I wasn't the only one. Callum looked me in the eyes before bringing my ears. They wanted to hear "Bedroom?" It was short and just what I wanted to hear. I nodded my head eagerly before my lips found his again and we started for the door to get to the lower deck and make it to our cabin we were sharing. It was like we had done this before because our lips never left each other as we successfully made it through our cabin door. The moment we entered Callum without losing my attention locked the door my body was aware of every movement we both took. I tugged on Callum's shirt and with my help he slipped it off leaving me a view of his toned chest. Callum's figure had changed; he had muscles to his arms and abs to his chest. Without my lips leaving Callum I slowly started to remove my shoulder pads and everything else so my shirt could come off because it was getting hot in here. Before long Callum helped me like I did him and the top of my outfit found his on the floor. Callum being the gentleman he was, didn't stare but still looked making my blush ever so slightly standing in a clasps in front of a boy something I had never done before. Callum gazed didn't linger long before he eyes were on mine. He pushed me against the door and our lips crashed in a fiery haze. Callum moved his hands to my hips "Jump" he said against my lips I did as I was told and wrapped legs around his hips his arms supported my behind but not invading my privacy at all. His right arms supported my butt as his left hand went immediately to my hair. He undid the tie that held it all up and it fell just past my shoulder. Callum walked over to the bed and laid me down on my back. He was above me but not in an intimidating way. He broke the kiss ever so gently and looked at me and I immediately knew he was asking if this was okay. I gave him a nodded before our lips met in the middle again "you know I've always liked your hair down" he mumbled against my lips before moving to my jaw and pressing kiss ever so gently all the way to my ear before sucking behind it "good to know" This went on for awhile till my neck felt raw and as much as I didn't want it to end I knew it had to we couldn't get carried away because if we went any further I wouldn't have the willpower to stop. His lips found mine one last time but it was slower and no longer sloppy. We both knew we had to stop so we dragged it out as long as possible. When we broke apart we rested our foreheads together and kept our eyes shut and listened to our raging heartbeats. "We should stop," Callum said quietly like he was afraid the statement would hurt me. "I know" I opened my eyes and Callum did the same "I love you I really do Callum but we can't do this" he lifted his forehead off mine and pressed a quick kiss to it before laying beside me we both slipped under the covers and I turned to the lay of my side so I was facing him. "Thanks" I said after a moment of silence he had his eyes shut but I could tell he was awake "For what?" He asked, "Distracting me," a smile made its way to his face before he opened his eyes "Your welcome," I turned around and blew the candle on the table side. Callum's arm found my waist and pulled me into his bare chest and I closed my eyes and actually fell asleep.


There you are if anyone actually read it. I figured I should put this in a clasp is sort of like a bra that what google said they called in the 19th century so that's what I put it could be wrong I didn't look to deeply into it. 

July 27 season 5 can't wait! I would like to finish this fanfic by then but writer's block is so frustrating and it took me so long to get this written. it doesn't help that I just graduated and I'm getting ready to make a career so I'm super busy but I'll try and update as much as possible thanks to all of you who do read this it means a lot. and please check out my other Fanfiction Called the cold truth of the child solider. It's a Percy Jackson fanfic so if you love Percabeth go check it out or if a friend likes them please share it would mean a lot it had a lot more work put into to it unlike this on and it's completed. 

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