Picnic for an apology

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Callum P.O.V

When I woke up I remembered the events of yesterday and how I snapped at Rayla. I ended up staying out pretty late last night so I slept in this morning It was currently eleven and I was trying to think of ways to apologize to Rayla.

I walked into the main entrance to see if anyone was around and to my surprise, no one was there probably all avoiding each other. But with everyone not being around I figured it was a great opportunity for me and Rayla to sneak off I decided to make a picnic.

I set up a picnic on the grass below the Storm Spire just in time for lunchtime I flew back up still not seeing anyone so I went up to the room Rayla was staying in I knocked on the door and waited for a second

"just a second" Rayla opened the door with a blank expression on her face but I wasn't expecting a smile

"I guess your finally read to talk" she asked 

"ya I have picnic set up and no one will bother us"

she took a minute to decide "fine"

(time skip to when they get to the ground because writing about them flying  down would be awkward lol)

We got to the ground and sat down and started eating luckily for me I found some moon berries for us to chew on knowing they where Rayla's favorite she was gratefully for that. We just talked and laughed it felt like it did before she left but I also knew the painful part of this picnic was soon to come.    

"This is nice" Rayla said bringing  me out of my thoughts 

"ya its just us and we're not worried that the world might end in a few weeks"

she chuckled "ya just two teenagers like its the most normal thing in the world" she took a second "normal such a weird word for us don't you think?"

"ya" I chuckled "I don't think there was a time in my life where anything was 'normal' well not that  I remember anyway" I leaned back putting my hands behind my head staring at the clouds

she  laughed while copying  my actions "ya me too I started training  when I was nine  and it's not like before that I lead a normal life I am a moon shadow elf"

"ya and where in a relationship that wasn't supposed to get along, we had no chance at being normal" We both started laughing boy had I missed her laugh

"While we're on the topic of our relationship are you ready to talk about it"

"can we have one more hour before we start to get all dark and gloomy"

"sure one hour"

she cuddled into my side and I could tell she feel asleep when her breathing turned even my eyelids started get heavy as well and I soon fell asleep.

so our one hour nap turned into two hours but I didn't care I just stared at the clouds thinking  about how am going to explain those two years after she left because I knew when she woke up she wasn't going to let it slid not this time she came clean with me I think it's only fair I come clean with her 

not even five minutes later she started to stir in her sleep and I knew she was about wake up

"good morning" she chuckled 

a smile  appeared on my face as I looked down and stared into those beautiful violet eyes of her I kissed her forehead 

"sleep well?" I asked

"ya that was a pretty good nap"

There was a long silence and I knew she wanted to starting talking but didn't want to push it I let out along sigh

 (a/n things might get dark nothing crazy or nothing but dose talk about pushing  people away so if that a trigger please skip to the  next chapter)

"okay you ready"

she nodded into my shoulder 

"when I woke up that day and seen the letter on your bed I broke I didn't even have to read it to know you left. After I read it I was a mess when Ezran came in I couldn't even speak he  just read the letter himself and tried to comfort me the best  he could but I just wanted to be alone. I didn't eat anything that day I didn't even leave the cabin till we went back to Katolis. The moment we got back people started talking wondering why you weren't at my side I locked myself in my room because rumors started to speared that they knew it was only a matter of time before you backstab us and Trust me when I say that didn't end well the first time I actually heard someone say it I may or may not have threatened to burn them alive"

"Callum-" she  stared but I cut her off

"I knew it was wrong  but I also knew you didn't betray us Ezran and Opeli put an end to the rumors say you'd had to go off on your own and that you would be back.  After that I didn't leave my room or eat for days I'd drink here and there. Those days became weeks Rayla I didn't leave my room the maids would bring me every meal and I would pick and the odd thing on some occasions just enough so I wouldn't die besides them I didn't seem anyone I refused, I shut out my own brother for weeks when he need me for council meetings when he would ask I'd simply wouldn't reply and waited till he left and then I would cry.  After a month I finally started come out  of my room again slowly eating every other meal with everyone no one pushed me after a few weeks of me finally eating  every meal with everybody I stared the council meetings again and then worked on my magic I used magic to block the pain of you leaving but doing that I still wasn't my funny self. I guess I was cold at times ran on a short fuse after three months of me threating a few nobles It was suggested that I should talk to someone and I did it helped after a month and half of explain how I was feeling my anger went away. I was almost back to normal but there was still a hole in my heart I'd try my best to not let it show and then everything fell back into place, that was until my birthday came I didn't want to celebrate it because it didn't feel right. We didn't do anything It was a normal day. It was a normal year and everyone fell into a rhythm and we kept the peace. Then when this years birthday came of course they had to plan a surprise  party that hole day I was off almost relapsing but I didn't and the next day you should up and well you know the rest"

"am sorry I didn't know me leaving would actually cause you so much pain now I understand  why you where so angry with me when I came back"

"It's fine what matters is that we're here together and that we're trying our best but you have to be open to each other promise me right no more secrets "

"I promise no more secrets"

I smiled and kissed her and she kissed back almost immediately it tuned out as a slow simple kiss but gradually started get more faster and more intense she ran her fingers in my hair I pulled her onto me so she was right on top of me and we where fully making out.


I thought that went well a little fluff at the end don't worry  that  will probably be as far as I'll go let me know what ya thinking

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