•chapter two•

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Chapter two -one month in

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Chapter two -one month in

It had been one month in since wild had joined the group of hero's. He had gotten to know them quite well. Him and hyrule were best friends,he and twilight were really close and he viewed wind as his little brother.The one wild didn't know the most was legend,he was always daydreaming and sometimes he barely talked to the rest of the group.

The chain was in the woods setting up their camp,they were in times hyrule and that night wild was on guard first. When wild was on guard he would sneak about picking up materials for food without anyone knowing well that's what wild thought. Time knew he would sneak about but he didn't really care he just wanted wild to be safe cause wild was the gremlin of the group.

Wilds POV
I was on guard but I saw mushrooms so I went to go pick but I saw some boko's and they were black blooded, I thought about telling the rest of the group but I decided not to because I didn't want to cause them any trouble. So I went to kill them they were facing away from me so I sneakstriked them. The boko's were gone in a minute, It had always been easy to get rid of the monsters quickly because being from the sheikah clan made me very stealthy and fast. When I got back to infront of the camp I saw four come over to get me to make dinner, so I went over to the pot to start making the food. I decided to make the rest pumpkin stew because U wanted to make them a traditional sheikah food.

Once they had finished eating it was time's turn for night watch and at one point he saw wild having a nightmare so he went to go comfort wild. When It was morning they started to head to lon lon ranch and they got there just before the sun was going to set

A/N note:
I'm sorry this chapter is short,the reason it is short is because my fingers are freezing and it's hard to type when my fingers are like that and I don't know what else to do for the chapter.

I hope you have a great day
See you soon:)

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