Part 6

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[A/N: I'm so sorry for there not being an update in ages I've had a ton of homework like quite a lot and my updates are going to be really slow but I'm trying ^^]


A few days later the chain had Traveled to a new Hyrule and it wasn't one any of them were from so it just lead to them exploring the new place they were in. They had ran into a group of maybe 30 or more Lizalfos and boko's and they were somehow able to overpower the group of hero's.

Wild looked over and there was at least maybe 10 lizalfos ganging up against time while there was some trying to help time while there was others fighting the other lizalfos and boko's.
Wild was up in the trees and he saw a silver Lizalfos so he assumed that one was there leader.

Wild jumped down from the trees and decided he would sneak strike the silver Lizalfos. He slowly sneaked up behind it and then the Lizalfos let out a screech, Viola it's dead!
Wild then stood on the Lizalfos and shot some of the other creatures(I didn't know what to call them okay)with his arrows.

20 minutes later
All the monsters were dead and no one had got injured so that was good so the chain could keep making there way to the town they fun not that long ago. Wild saw Time and Twilight up ahead Not that far from him talking while he was with Epona walking behind the rest of the chain.

Not too long later the chain had made it to the village and they checked into the inn. There wasn't enough rooms for everyone in the chain but there could atleast be 5 in a room so Wild,Legend,Hyrule and wind were in a room together while Time,Twilight,Warriors,Sky and four were in a room together.

The chain had arrived in the evening so Wild used the inn kitchen and made the chain his Soup what was absolutely delicious. They chain then hanged out for a while together then they went up to there rooms to rest for the night but of course wilds room was up much longer than the other room. They had finally fallen asleep and wild was probably the only person awake in the whole town cause it wasn't that big.

Wild decided to go outside but when he was opened the door it creaked and then he heard Hyrule say something but he was just sleep talking so Wild silently walked out into the hallway and then shut the door. He walked down the dark hallway and it just kept going and going and going it was like it was never going to stop.

Wild finally reached the end of the hallway but he saw a person but he couldn't see there face due to how dark it was. The figure then ushered for Wild to come closer and he did but carefully he didn't know if this person was an enemy or an ally. The figure then grabbed Wilds hand and took him to a room. That room had a light in it. He finally saw who the figure was.... It turned out it was another sheikah. They had long White hair what was in in braids at the front and they had a ponytail with red highlights in it. There eyes were also red.

The figure then started to talk "You're a Sheikah aren't you..I can tell from your Aura"
Wild then nodded his head agreeing that he was a sheikah. The figure then spoke again "You need to be careful people in this world hunt our kind and they take what's rightfully ours trust no one except your friends who you came here with...also trust me. Please do, I'm warning you now you should go back to your room before anyone learns of our conversation."

That was the last thing the sheikah said before disappearing into the darkness of room. Wild then went back to his room puzzled about what just happened but it was getting late so he went to sleep and would think about what happened in the morning.


I hope you liked this new chapter and I'm sorry for waiting you guys make so long hopefully I'll be able to post another chapter this week but I might not anyways thanks for reading and for a lot of reads!^^

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