•chapter 4

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chapter 4 - homesick at lon lon

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chapter 4 - homesick at lon lon

A/N:It's finally here. Some more sheikah stuff
Wilds pov
It was the next day and it was pretty early in the morning. I had woken up at 5:00 am so I decided to go have a look about the ranch. Everyone was asleep so I needed to be quiet but that was easy.
I went a way so none of the animals could see me and now I was at a forest around the edge of the ranch. I decided to train because that was the first thing that came to my mind.

Just before I started training I went to meditate to make sure I was ready. Impa had told me about meditating before training could help me focus more, and she was right about that.
I was now heading back to the ranch but I saw time out the front so I tried to sneak past him by that didn't work. He seemed pretty annoyed and then he said he saw me training and that he saw a sheikah mark appear on my eye,then he left.
I was now just staring into space thinking Is there a sheikah symbol on my eye?

[Tiny timeskip]

Once I went into the ranch I went upstairs but I heard some crying coming from winds room so I went to make sure he was okay.

I'm sorry but I need a bigger break Im really sorry but I hope to see you all soon

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