Christmas special

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I know I said I wouldn't be posting for a bit but here is your Christmas present from me
Winds pov
It was now Christmas Day . We were at wilds house in hateno all the zeldas were there to but they were going out today so it was only us boys.
We all opened our presents we got eachother and then said good bye to the zeldas. Wild have said that we were going up to Hebra to have some fun for the day.

We were now up in the Hebra mountains, wild took us up to the top of the mountain to meet a girl called selmie. When we met selmie she told us about shield surfing and we all had a shield surfing race. Selmie won the race with the best time , wild came second and I somehow came third.

We then went down to the bottom of the mountain to do snowball bowling . Twilight won that . Now it was time to go back to hateno to have dinner and meet up with the zeldas.

This was just a short thing and I hope you liked it and Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it.
I also hope you have a great new year
See you soon,
From The duck song234

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