•chapter 3•

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chapter 3•Lon lon ranch

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chapter 3•Lon lon ranch

•wilds pov•
We were now at a place Time says is called Lon lon ranch,when we went into the house I saw a lady who had Red hair. She then walked over to us and said hello. She told us her name was Malon and she was Times wife.

She was really nice but she eyed the sheikah slate weirdly like Time sometimes did. After we all talked to Malon for a while we went to go help on the farm. I went to go help Malon with cooking lunch instead just because I didn't really work with animals well. Malon said she needed some pumpkins and there were some out the back. Where the pumpkins were looked exactly like the ones in kakariko but when I went to touch it everything went dark. 

Memory no.???
Me and my sister Temi were getting pumpkins for dinner because we were having mushroom and meat stuffed pumpkin so we had to go get a big ripe pumpkin. She started talking and she said "I wonder If I will have children in the future and will I end up becoming strong like mummy."
I then replied by saying "sure you probably will become really strong like mother." After we found the right pumpkin I saw Impa and Purah coming over to me so I told Temi to go to mother and help her with dinner.

" After we found the right pumpkin I saw Impa and Purah coming over to me so I told Temi to go to mother and help her with dinner

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Back to the pumpkins
Malon had just came out to check on me when I woke up from the memory,she asked if I was okay and I said I was fine so I didn't worry her.
Once I picked up the pumpkin me and Malon went into the kitchen. Malon had already cut all the peppers up and she then said to me we were making pumpkin stew what was my favourite food. When I was cuting the pumpkin I never talked because I needed to let my voice rest.I never have had to talk that much since I woke up in the shrine and when I was in kakariko I would sign because it was mandatory that everyone in the village knew at least a bit of sheikah sign.
After the pumpkin was cut up i put it into the broth with all the veg and meat,now we just had to wait until it was ready.

When I was waiting for the stew I went up to my room to think who I should tell that I am from the sheikah clan. It was either going to be Time or Twilight because I trusted them the most and they knew lots about the sheikah clan. I decided that I was going to tell Time first then twilight because I think that Time already has some suspicion about me being from the sheikah clan.
After a bit more time of thinking Malon called me down for dinner.

I was sitting next to Twilight and wind at the table and once we had all sat down we ate our food. Malon started telling us about time when he was a child.She said that he was sealed in the sacred realm for seven years what surprised us all. I didn't stay for to long because I was tired so I went up to my room to sleep.

That's all for today and I hope you have a great day:)

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