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Taehyung changed into his night wear and got ready for bed, all of the day's exhaustion creeping up on him in full force.

You can call him exhausted, worn out, weary and every little word similar to tired, body devoid of any energy and the thought of sleep seemed to be the most important necessity above all, hunger long forgotten with the idea of slumber.

Nowadays even sleep feels distant to him, his body wouldn't succumb to sleep until completely drained of all its energy.

He was planning to turn the lights off when he got interrupted with a knock.

Well several knocks to be frank.

The insistent noise made him make his way out of the bed and approach the door. Taehyung felt as if he was dragging his legs forward, for they felt like they weren't in the mood to co-operate anymore.

Who would come knocking at this goddamn hour?

Maybe he can use the little bit of energy left in him to put his fist to good use. Whoever it is behind his door is gonna get a taste of his scoldings.

But to his ultimate surprise, the door  opened to the face of one park jimin jimin, his best friend and the one main reason for taehyung's sleeplessness, who on the other side was holding the door frame in a tight grip.

' Taehyungieeee' jimin slurred, eyelids droopy (eyes still brightening up like a child who saw his favourite candy) the smell of soju potent as he swayed a little on his foot.

'Wait, is he drunk?' taehyung thought, raking his eyes over  jimin's form - crumbled shirt tucked haphazardly into the waistband of his black jeans, one foot bare after throwing his shoes away at taehyung's doorstep.

His heart fluttered when soft eyes caught his stare, a smile so beautiful quirking up jimin's full lips.

Park jimin was beautiful even if he was drunk and looked like the epitome of wrecked.

Jimin was smiling so brightly at him, the crooked teeth that taehyung cherished dearly, pearly and in full view.

Jimin pushed his way past taehyung into the room bumping their shoulders together, needing no special invitations when taehyung kept staring at him wordlessly.

Taehyung reached out to steady jimin with the rushed movement, the sound of giggles grazing his ear soon after as expected, hands grabbing taehyung's forearm in a useless attempt to steady himself but not fast enough to prevent the inevitable tripping on his feet thereby crashing onto taehyung's chest.

Taehyung grabbed onto the back of  jimin's shirt to steady him, muscles straining to place the giggly mess back on his feet, breathless laughs getting hushed into taehyung's shoulder when jimin turned around in his hold to hug the taller.

The side of jimin's nose brushed his neck when the smaller tilted his head to tuck his head under his jaw, giggles getting interrupted with a hiccup.

'Oops!' he gasped,eyes  peering at taehyung, pretty and shiny  under his room light, a naughty smile tugging the corner of his mouth, pulling away from the hug to simultaneously push taehyung more into the room and kick the door shut with his shoeless feet.

'Why are you wandering around in the night? That too in this state' Taehyung scolded jimin lightly, lips turned down into a frown with how drunk the older was. What was jimin trying to do letting himself roam the streets at such hours?

Steering him towards his room with a hand on his shoulder, taehyung had half the mind to slap jimin on the back of his head for acting so recklessly.

'But i wanted to see you taehyungie' jimin all but whined out with a cute pout on his lips, trying to turn around while they were walking, eyes twinkling with a sort of softness taehyung failed to understand in all the years he has known jimin.

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