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Rubbing his fingers softly over jimin's  pinky, taehyung called out jimin's name gently to not startle the male more.

Jimin's cry subsided in the past ten minutes and the older kept on holding taehyung more in the time that passed between them in silence.

'Min-ah, do you remember the first ever party we attended back in college?' taehyung asked the smaller one in his lap, brought an arm to pull jimin tight against his body, tucking his chin at the top of the blonde's head.

Jimin hummed in a small voice , pressing his ear flat to taehyung's chest that calmed after the last of jimin's cries died down.

'You were a menace then Jiminah, causing troubles while stupidly drunk and dancing on top of a table like that all because of a silly dare' taehyung joked with a light chuckle to lift jimin's mood, who fisted his shirt and buried his face back in his chest with an embarrassed groan.

Securing his hand around jimin's back, he swayed their bodies together still in the seated position, reminiscing the good old days where they were inseparable, the days were  holding jimin this close never increased the tempo of his heart.

' I hated you for the first time that day' he continued, the one clinging to his body right now exhaling a large puff of air that warmed the sides of his forearm, 'I hated you for making me so scared. You don't know how frightened I was when I held your limp body in my hand' his voice quivering at the end with the amount of regret he had for letting jimin out of his sight for a second.

Jimin remembers the mess he made, his drunken ass dancing on the wooden table top for completing a dare, taehyung's voice calling his name somewhere in the back, the momentary lack of focus made him slip his foot from the lack of balance sending him crashing to the floor but not before hitting his head rather hardly on the side of the table.

The throbbing pain rendered him immobile and insensible for long enough to not notice a worried taehyung rushing to his side in panic.

The rest is blurry to him eyes unfocused yet saw how taehyung kept fussing over him, gently lifting his head, caressing and instructing him to not move around a lot and the last of the images his eyes fixated was on taehyung's shirt collar when he was brought into a hug before passing out.

The next day jimin woke up to taehyung sleeping next to him with his head on his bed, holding his hands in his large palms, squeezing his fingers so tightly cutting off the circulation in his hands.

The banging headache behind his eyelids ripped out a tired groan that soon caught a half asleep taehyung's attention, the taller rousing from his slumber, the red rimmed and puffy eyes betraying the scolding tone taehyung had when he twisted jimin's ears.

Once jimin whined and complained of his ears falling off, he took a moment to peer back at the younger due to the sudden silence that greeted him.

Taehyung's eyes portrayed a different emotion that time and jimin spent years wondering what he missed in that morning of early spring.

And then taehyung had cried, had dragged him towards a crushing hug, had complained, whined, scolded and pleaded jimin to not repeat the same, and jimin couldn't help but cry along with taehyung, the both of them petting each other's head and promising to not drink too much.

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