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The rain hasn't stopped for an hour.

Jimin kept glancing at the clock for the twelfth time in the past five minutes. It's been twenty past seven and taehyung hasn't shown up yet. It was Saturday and taehyung should have been here for their planned movie night, a ritual they followed since they were in high school which continued even when they dormed together in university.

He was supposed to be here by six and the fact that taehyung was never late for the movie night made him worried sick because jimin himself knows that the younger was also looking forward to the night as much as him. Taehyung kept gushing about a new movie he was dying to show jimin and jimin endeared with the way the taller kept rambling, had smiled at an enthusiastic taehyung with round eyes and a boxy grin.

The first time taehyung directed the same sweet boxy smile at him, jimin was shoved off kilter, scrambling to understand why his heart skipped a beat. There really was something so alluring about the way soft petal lips morphed into a teasing smile whenever the younger found anything mildly safe to annoy jimin with, like the fact that jimin's hands was so small when compared to taehyung's.

Once jimin even bit taehyung's pinky when his best friend compared their pinky size differences and cackled uncontrollably on finding jimin's cheeks colouring at an incredibly maddening rate. Jimin had his head cocked to the side accompanied with pursed lips (which was actually looking like a pout but jimin didn't know that), an attempt to look threatening that ended up being vain when taehyung didn't seem affected with his hard glare. Taehyung only pulled jimin closer after his laughs subsided to press a small kiss to the mole on Jimin's lil pinky.

The downpour was getting bad by the second that jimin feared taehyung's safety. Jimin tried calling him but the call didn't get through and it made his worry intensify.

What was his idiot of a best friend doing out in a raging storm?

Jimin sure is going to twist taehyung's ear till it falls off to the ground once he drags his ass back to home for worrying him like this.

That brat doesn't even care about him. Who does he think is gonna look after his sorry ass when he gets sick?

They were both fifteen when taehyung caught fever after playing in the rain, not heeding to jimin's scoldings and the next day jimin had carried a drowsy taehyung to his home after the younger collapsed during their PE period. Jimin stayed with taehyung overnight, silent tears streaming down his face when he cupped taehyung's flushed cheeks still burning hot even after a strong dose of tylenol.

Taehyung was zoning in and out of consciousness, calling out to jimin in a tiny voice every time a shiver racked his body. Taehyung's incessant rasping of 'minnie' had jimin press his lips to taehyung's temple to reassure the younger that he wasn't going anywhere.

Taehyung fell into a fitful sleep only when jimin petted his hair lovingly and both his and taehyung's parents let jimin stay with taehyung for the night, let jimin wash taehyung's burning body with a wet cloth.

It took two days for taehyung to regain his lost appetite and for his fever to subside completely and jimin was never this grateful in his life to see that same boxy smile albeit a bit weak from pale chapped lips.

Jimin grabbed a coat and umbrella and was hastily pulling on a pair of sneakers to make his way outside when he heard their door bell ringing.

He had only one of his feet shoved in his shoes when he heard the bell, hurriedly throwing the other away and skipping to his front door with only one shoe on his feet.

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