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Walking backwards, taehyung held jimin's bare waist tight, lowering the male gently to the bed when the back of jimin's knees touched the side of his bed.

Taehyung's lower lip was tucked inbetween jimin's teeth, tongue occasionally licking and allaying the pleasant burn, a low rumble vibrating in his chest when a small nibble had his dick chubbing up real fast and taehyung doesn't want to think about how his dick have the ability to flare up when it is already harder than a log.

His cock kept swelling up the more jimin kissed him with fervor, fingers threading through his hair gently, so taehyung let his hands wander the expanse of free skin available to him as means to pay less attention to his paining dick.

Dragging his fingers over jimin's biceps, taehyung clutched his shoulders, then teasingly trailed his fingers towards jimin's nipples, eyes set on the perky bud, juicy and inviting, taehyung's pointer finger and thumb rubbing the bud between his fingertips.

He expected it when jimin jerked lightly in their kiss but the smaller went back to nibbling taehyung's lips like it didn't happen. So taehyung massaged the bud, eyes greedily drinking up the sight of a pink flush spreading down to jimin's chest from his neck.

A pinch and jimin broke from the kiss, moaning right onto taehyung's lips and fuck was taehyung endeared by the swollen lips and fluttering lashes of the elder.

Jimin whimpered when taehyung kissed him on the lips again, unable to hold the sight of a needy park jimin responding to his touches.

Jimin's body twitched whenever his fingertips grazed his nipples and taehyung would rub jimin's sides as means to let jimin breathe because he looked positively gone just from his touches.

Breaking the kiss, taehyung let his lips drag teasingly down jimin's neck, rubbing his nose at the spot where he sinked his teeth at a moment of vulnerability, kissing the mark once, twice, squeezing jimin's side when the elder gave a small kiss on his forehead, small fingers rubbing reassuringly at his nape.

'I love you' taehyung whispered quietly, apologetically to the crook of his neck and jimin held him a little tighter in return, his nose seeking the dip below jimin's adams apple, settling his body weight on the bed so he could hug jimin to his side.

Taehyung hates himself for acting out on impulse, he should have asked why jimin was trying to catch up with him when he was ready to leave the country again.

Taehyung should have dwelled deeper into why jimin's eyes always looked at him with a certain sort of sadness after he returned from the states. The jimin of five years earlier has always looked at him with a peculiar affection now he can conclude as love.

Jimin's fingers still kept running through his head and taehyung burrowed closer to the smaller, fingers warm where it lay rubbing jimin's soft skin.

Tilting his head upwards, taehyung placed a tender kiss under jimin's jaw, pushing himself off the bed to hower over the small figure, leaning down and kissing softly on jimin's forehead, who held him there, heads pressed together after wounding a hand around his neck.

'Tae, taehyungie it's fine' jimin mumbled before pulling him down for a sweet kiss and taehyung let his lips do the talking, kissing jimin passionately like he is worshipping the elder like a god, apologising without words for all the years he let jimin hurt over something so simple and genuine.

The kiss turned intense when jimin rubbed his earlobe slowly, a sensitive spot for him and taehyung's dick was hurting pretty badly, his body begging him to relieve the tight pressure.

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