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Taehyung lunged forward to a bruising kiss the next second, swallowing the surprised gasp that left jimin's mouth to nibble on the older's top lip, making sure to suck and bite down on the plushness that have enticed him to no ends.

Jimin's hands flew up to fist his hair when his hands wandered underneath the dress shirt jimin had on, fingers brushing across a nipple that hardened at his touch.

Jimin's body is reacting to every single one of his touches, the side of his collar that tipped sideways giving away the way the older flushed down to his chest.

Taehyung always wanted to know how jimin reacted to slow deep kisses from him, to his neck sucked while taehyung caressed his sides lovingly , wanted to hear the slight rasp in his voice when he came back for air after taehyung ravaged his lips like a mad man.

He always wanted to know but it was never like this. Never in a situation where holding jimin in his arms felt like the last time.

But this is what jimin wants.

And taehyung was always good in giving anything his jimin wants.

His other hand harshly squeezed jimin's bum at the same time, fingers slipping into the waistband of the jimin's jeans to snap the band twice, using enough force with his arms to keep the smaller pressed up against him, his teeth pressing down on the plump lips he once craved for so badly.

It hurt him to know that jimin only wanted him for a fuck.

The five years he spend away from jimin was pure torture. He longed for him so much that he started seeing jimin in every person he came across.

The Korean guy that lived two streets down from his house had an eye smile that resembled jimin's but lacked a certain tiny sparkle he only saw in jimin's eyes. The girl with whom he shared a train had lips similar to jimin's but it was never the way jimin's lips twitched with a shy smile for him.

All of them were empty promises, representing the shell of a person he yearned for.

And taehyung avoided everything that reminded him of jimin, all those years of quietly pinning for his love leaving behind an ache he was unsure how to get rid off.

But when taehyung's mother gave him the green card to return back to Korea, he was dying to run back to jimin, to see him, to ask the older how he was, to ask for jimins forgiveness for leaving abruptly and maybe confess his feelings that he's been harbouring for a total of eight years.

And the second his eyes locked with jimin's across the street that day, taehyung wanted to run across the road and take him into his arms, to bury his face in the soft hairs that reached up to jimin's jaw and press his confession to the smooth skin of his neck.

So, yeah it fucking hurts to know that he is only going to be a casual fuck.

Still kissing jimin, taehyung thumbed jimin's swollen nipple that thrived under his attention, pinching the sensitive bud between his fingers that made jimin arch into his hands, taehyung taking advantage of the silent cry that left the smaller's mouth to slip his tongue inside and suck jimin's tongue in return.

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