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Taehyung still has his nose buried in jimin's hair, small puffs of breath leaving his parted lips and jimin's heart broke every single time he felt the faintest kiss pressed to his temple from soft lips.

He was still seated in taehyung's lap, back against the younger's chest, the thudding of taehyung's heart beat a pleasant sound richochetting loudly on both his body and ears.

Jimin grabbed taehyung's arms when taehyung tightened his hold around his shoulder, fingers holding onto the taller's folded sleeves, angling his body to turn and plant his face in taehyung's biceps.

'D-do you hate me tae?', jimin questioned with his lips pressed to the tucked in cloth, fingers clenching around the fabric, afraid to look taehyung in the eyes and see the hatred in the younger's eyes. 

Taehyung should hate him.  Why isn't taehyung hating him after all the things he made him go through?

Who can love someone who hurt them so badly to an extent where living with a heartbreak was all they felt all day?

How can taehyung still love him?

'I never hated you jimin. I can never hate you' taehyung breathed a heavy sigh onto jimin's hair, raising his head and taking a hold of jimin's fingers to rub his knuckles just like the million times he did before.

Of course taehyung can never hate him. He is just too good for this world.

Too good for him.

'They say love makes you a fool and i guess i am one, so foolishly in love with you to have no will to hate' taehyung replied locking and unlocking their fingers together and jimin's heart soared, the sudden palpitations of his heart so painful unlike the past few years he longed for the younger and he can only imagine the hurt taehyung must have went through all these years.

Jimin remembers the day before taehyung's departure, the day a tipsy taehyung showed up at his door at two at night, clothes wrinkled and head, a wild mess, unkempt like he woke up from sleep. Jimin thought he did as it was clear from the sleepy haze in his eyes. But jimin was no fool, he didn't need taehyung to verbally confirm to him that he was crying.

Taehyung didn't say anything, didn't ask him for anything, just stumbled to his chest and held him in a tight hug.

And jimin didn't ask what was bothering the younger at the time, thought taehyung himself would tell him when the time was right.

He reciprocated to embrace the best he could, a silent form of consolation without any words and hoped taehyung will feel that jimin will always be there to hold him and will always be with him like this.

Jimin didn't question the tears that wet his neck or his shirt, didn't ask why with every new second taehyung held him tighter than before like he was afraid to let go.

And taehyung didn't say anything either, clinging to him till his tears dried off, reluctantly letting go of the hug after and straightening himself.

Even though taehyung's eyes were red rimmed, eyelids drooping with exhaustion like the younger was physically drained to the core, jimin still saw a flicker of an emotion that was still hard to miss even with the dim lighting in his room.


Just like what he saw in taehyung's eyes on that fateful day where they kissed each other.

Only this time, it was more potent, like it got ingrained in those eyes. A part of him doubted if that will be the only thing he'll see in those eyes that held jimin's entire world.

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