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Hae walked into the room with the wedding dress Han gave her as a present on

"You know i look hot in a wedding dress" she says, smoothing the veil on her head completely unaware Han is live "i mean wow" she laughs 

"You do look great but i'm live" he chuckles, turning to face her

"ohhh.....heeyyy" she says, walking up to the camera and laughing awkwardly 

"guys this is the wedding dress i got Hae for our wedding" He tells the camera

'when's the wedding?' A comment reads

"well the wedding is actually today" She smiles, wrapping her arms around Han's neck

"That is why she is wearing this lovely dress" Han points out

"mhm we're going to this cliff! it's gonna be all decorated and stuff" Hae smiles

"and we will be filming it!" Han laughs

'who's your maid of honor?'

"my maids of honor are Felix and Hyunjin....yes i have two" she laughs

"Even though no one asked...." he scoffs "my best man is Lee know" he tells them

"our flower girls are Seungmin and Changbin, the ring bearer is I.N and Chan will perform the ceremony" Hae says "i am very excited!" she laughs

They finally made it to the location of their 'wedding' and had a whole camera crew there to film them. The music started playing out of Chan's phone as he held it out with his hand on his heart. Hae walks down the isle in sync with the music, finally she gets to the top, facing Han. She has to hold herself back from breaking into laughter and so does Han 

"will you Han take Hae to be your wife?" he asks, facing Han

"yes" he answers, Hae has to cover her mouth to stop her laughter 

"will you Hae take Han to be your husband?" Chan asks again

"mhm" she giggles, she had to limit her words because she was laughing so hard. The members beside her were laughing along with her

"okay, i now pronounce you 'husband' and 'wife'" Chan announces, putting air quotes around 'husband' and 'wife' "you may now hug the bride" He laughs. Han reaches his arms out and hugs Hae. All the members and camera crew clap and cheer as Hae lifts Han in her arms and walks down the isle

"come on baby! we're going to vegas!" she yells

"Vegas?!" He asks, his eyes going wide and his mouth into a O

"Hell yeah!" She laughs

"You are not going to Vegas!" Lee know yells after them

"sorry!" Hae shouts back. They spend the rest of the day taking photos and talking

"so Hae what's it like being a married woman?" Seungmin asks

"eh it's alright" she shrugs. Han turns to her with a shocked look on his face and his hand on his heart 

"what is that supposed to mean?" he asks

"nothing" she shrugs, shoveling more food into her mouth

"hey Chan when can i get a divorce?" Han asks, crossing his arms. All the members start gasping and yelling

"Han...." Hae whispers "did you really mean that?" 

"no...." he sighs "i never wanna get a divorce!" 

"Neither do i!" she agrees, hugging him. They end the live soon after and go back to the dorm

"night husband" she chuckles

"goodnight wife" he laughs back

@stay1293- this was the best live i have ever watched!

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@stay1293- this was the best live i have ever watched!

Sunny |9th member of skzWhere stories live. Discover now