*old friends*

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Hae woke up to a missed call from a random number. She didn't know why but she recognised it. She just didn't know from where. Instead of calling it back she went into the living room where Lee know was sitting "Minho" she called, walking to him on the sofa

"Mhm" he nodded, looking up from his phone to face  her "You look nice"

"Aw I just woke up but thanks" she smiled, playing with his hair "anyway this random number called me, I don't know if I should answer it or not.
I recognise it though"

"Call it Back" He told her "maybe it's one of your old friends"

"Yeah maybe" she sighed, sitting beside him. She dialled the number and let it ring

"Hello" she heard the other speak. The voice was familiar.

"Hello, who's this? It says you called me earlier today" Hae spoke into her phone

"It's Chin-Sun from school" Hae immediately started smiling and sat up

"Oh my god, Pinky!" She exclaimed, a smile visible in her voice

Chin-Sun laughed before speaking again "I just called to tell you about a meet up I'm planning with all our old group" she told Hae

"With everyone?" She asked "like Hyun-Ae, Ha-Joon, Baek-Hyun?"

"Yep" Chin-Sun chuckled "I'll send you the information"

"Yeah cool" Hae smiled "Well bye Pinky, I'll see you later"

"Yeah bye"

Hae hung up and turned to her confused boyfriend beside her "That was my friend from school, we're all gonna meet up later today" she looked on her messages and saw one Chin-Sun just sent her. They were going to meet up at a cafe nearby at midday. It was  11:25 so she had to quickly get ready "I'm gonna go get ready" she said, kissing Lee knows head as she passed. Hae quickly got ready

She put her hair into a ponytail and went back into the living room where Lee know, Seungmin, Felix and Changbin were now sitting

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She put her hair into a ponytail and went back into the living room where Lee know, Seungmin, Felix and Changbin were now sitting

"Okay guys I'm gonna leave now" she told the four boys "I'll be back in at most four hours"

"Okay be careful" Changbin smiled, hugging the girl

"You sure you'll be okay with the paparazzi?" Seungmin asked her

"Yeah, I know how to ignore them now" she told the boy, hugging him  "okay I really need to go now" she chuckled "Bye bokie, bye binnie, bye Minnie, bye honey" she chuckled, ruffling Lee knows hair and leaving the dorm. Hae got to the exit and could already see the amount of paparazzi. She took a deep breath and walked outside. The paparazzi yelled at her and followed her all the way to the cafe. When she got there Hae could see her four old friends in the building. They all turned to see what the commotion outside was and realised it was Hae. Quickly the Idol walked into the cafe and went over to the table

"Hi" she smiled, hugging all her friends "it's been so long"

"I know!" Hyun-ae exclaimed "I mean look at you miss paparazzi and a Prada handbag! Come on!" She laughed

Hae laughed and sat down "yes guys it's true.....I'm rich" she joked, making the group laugh

"I can't believe you actually became an idol" Baek-Hyun sighed "like I always believed in you but it's so strange seeing you on tv and stuff"

"Yeah it is" Chin-Sun nodded "Also! You still haven't introduced me to JIMIN!" The group laughed at her "Seriously! It's been like 5 years!"

"Im sorry, sweetie" Hae laughed, touching her arm

"Pinky, I don't think introducing you to Jimin is on the top of Soon-Bok's priority list" Ha-Joon chuckled

"Well it should be!" Chin-Sun exclaimed "I still need to meet my soulmate"

"Hold on!" Baek-Hyun exclaimed "DIDN'T YOU GET MARRIED?!" He picked up chin-Sun's hand and showed at her ring "I saw on insta!"

"YOU'RE MARRIED?!?" Hyun-ae yelled

"TO WHO??" Hae laughed, leaning forward to look at the ring "OMG ITS MASSIVE!"

"for your information he's a business man" Chin-Sun chuckled "and he's amazing"

"Good for you" Ha-joon smiled "pinky finally found love" he grabbed his chest and sighed "so romantic"

"Talking about romance" Baek-Hyun grinned "I saw on the news that you and 'company boy' are still together!"

"Oh my god yeah!" Hyun-ae exclaimed "I actually called it! Remember how much I used to tease you about him"

"Of course I do" Hae chuckled "but yeah Minho is really amazing. I mean he's perfect"

"You guys are so cute" Chin-Sun smiled "I always see like compilations of you guys and not going to lie I do watch them"

"I always see sad edits of him during your hiatus" Baek-Hyun sighed. hyun-ae hits him and turns to Hae

"I'm sorry Soon Bok, I told him not to mention it" she apologised

"No it's okay" Hae smiled, sipping her drink "it was sad but it's better now so I'm okay with talking about it"

"That was such a hard time" Ha-Joon sighed "like even though we weren't talking during that time knowing you felt so sad made me really upset too"

"Yeah same" Chin-sun Said "I saw a video of you saying good bye to the boys at the airport and it made me cry so then I spiralled and watched like a video called like 'Hae's idol journey' and it was just a video of your life pre debut and then debut then after, and I have to say it made me so sad that you go through all that hate" she said, her eyes watering

"I remember through school and then when you first debuted you were so excited and then I saw a video of you like a month ago and you looked so different, like the life had been sucked from you and it really hurt me. I hate that it happened to you because you don't deserve it, you're one of the kindest people I've ever met" Hyun-ae said, holding Hae's hands

"Honestly throughout all of it like before and then after I've  wanted to call you guys but I just thought you would be angry that I stopped talking to you" Hae sighed, looking at the group

"I was at the start" Baek-Hyun admitted "But then I realised it wasn't your fault. I saw how hard you worked when you were a trainee and I know being an idol must mean you have to work 10 times harder than you did at trainee level, so I don't blame you for not talking to us. You were to busy being 'Hae! K-pop's pride and joy" He chuckled, framing the last bit in the sky

"Let's move on from me" Hae chuckled "I wanna hear about you guys"


The group talk for the next hour about everything that happened since they last spoke. Hae missed talking to them. They made her feel like she was a teenager again. A girl who hasn't experienced what adult Hae has. she decided she would speak to them more often. The five even planned to meet up every month atleast once. So when she went back to the dorm she wore a massive smile that lasted until she fell asleep beside 'Company boy'

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