-MINAE moments-

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-Moments of lee know and Hae STAY will never forget-

-when asked what he wanted to do in the future he answered "I just want to be with Hae. I'll be happy as long as I'm with her"

-He buys her flowers whenever the last ones he bought her die

-when asked what Hae is to him he answered "everything"

-in a skz talker Lee know was seen in the back, putting a blanket over Hae who was sleeping on the couch

-Hae said in an interview that Minho writes her a letter at least once a week

-he always refers to Hae as 'my sun'

-whenever he signs off on letters or anything for Hae he finishes with 'your Minho'

-in a live he responded to a comment asking to marry him with "can't. I'm planning on marrying Soon-Bok"

-he said in an interview "You only meet someone like Hae once in a lifetime. And that's if you're lucky enough. I don't know what I did to deserve her, but somehow she's with me, and I'm not letting her go"

-he said to Hyunjin "I live every day to make Hae feel loved"

-at the airport every time the crowds get too much for Hae he pushes them out of the way to make sure she has enough space

-when Hae was crying at one of their concerts he didn't leave her side and kept checking on her

-He knows her love language is physical touch so every chance he gets he hugs her or holds her hand

-in an interview he said "I prefer myself when I'm with Hae. I feel happier and calmer. I feel more like my true self, like I don't have to hide or put on an act. I can just be me"

-he is always caught looking at Hae with sparkling eyes, and he lights up when she walks into a room

-in a room tour he showed a box he has labelled 'from my sun' inside is things like letters, Polaroids, trinkets, notes and petals that Hae gave him, since before debut

-in concerts when he looks at her like she's the only person in the world

-when he does little things for her like tying her shoes, doing her hair, cooking her food.

-he said in an interview, when asked why he does so much for Hae "I do a lot for her because she means a lot to me. She's everything to me. I wouldn't be here without her and she deserves so much. Seeing Hae happy is the best reward I could ever get. She's special and she has to know"

-when Hae was struggling with her mental health he stayed up, searching 'how to be a better boyfriend?' , 'how to make my girlfriend happier?' And 'how to make sure my girlfriend is okay?'

-during her hiatus Minho stopped posting and was always quiet. The only time he was back to normal was when they were on call


-she writes Minho notes whenever they're on set, with compliments and little doodles of cats

-she wrote her solo song 'Only' about him

-when she went on hiatus she wrote him a letter saying 'I'm so sorry that I'm not going to be here. I wish I could but it wouldn't be right. You're everything to me, Minho. You're my best friend, my boyfriend, my soulmate, everything. I wouldn't be me without you. So just remember whenever you feel alone that I'm there. I'm always there for you. It doesn't matter what time, I'll be there. Just call me or text me, anything, I'll answer. I'll always answer. I love you, Minho and I'll see you soon'

-she has a scrap book filled with photos of them and pages of wilted petals of the flowers he had bought her

-in an Interview she said "if I had to spend the rest of my life with only one person on a deserted island it would be Minho. I could survive anything with him"

-when asked about the songs she writes she answered "I write all my songs for Minho. Everything I do comes back to him. Every love song I write or listen to are about him "

-whenever she looks at Minho she can't help but smile

-when she doesn't know what to do/ say she looks at him

-she wears the locket he bought her every single day

-she said once "ever since I met Minho I felt happier. He makes me feel like everything will be okay. He doesn't even have to say anything, just seeing him makes me feel me better"

-. Once during a music core interview Minho was speaking and she was admiring him so intensely that she forgot she had to speak next. She turned to the camera after hyunjin nudged her and said "sorry, I got distracted by how handsome Minho is"

-she said in a live "I always get asked if I'm scared about Minho and my relationship ending. And I can honestly say no. I can say that because I know it won't. Me and Minho have spoken about this before and we've both agreed that we won't let the hate get in between us. I love and care about him too much to let it end"

-whenever she's bored she watches fan cams of him

-she said in an interview that "Minho is such an amazing person. When he cares and loves people he doesn't stop. He won't let himself be upset until he knows I'm okay, he wont do anything until he knows I'm okay. I don't know what I did to deserve to be loved by him, but I'm so grateful"

-when asked who Minho is to her she responded with 'oxygen'

-she has a album on her phone filled with photos of Minho, titled 'my Minho' . Most of them are close ups of him smiling and making faces. But there are others of him smiling, some of him posing, some of his sleeping and some of him laughing. Most of them are taken without him knowing

-she always cheers for him, during variety show games, performances, ending fairies, whenever she can

-when danceracha were performing she was in the side lines, filming him with a massive smile

-Yunjin from le sserafim said when asked about her favourite celebrity couple "100% Hae and lee know from stray kids, they're so perfect for each other. Whenever I'm with Hae and someone brings up lee know or she gets texts from him she lights up, and I know it's the same for lee know. I hope I'll have the chance to experience a love like theirs"

-Hae said in an interview "i always wondered if I'd ever experience the kind of love that's in movies. I never believed I would but then Minho came into my life. He made me believe in true love, because that's what we have"

-she admitted in a live once that she couldn't imagine her life without Minho and that it would feel empty

-in one of her songs about lee know she wrote "The love I have for you will never die. Like a fire it burns and like water it cools"

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