*Back to Lille*

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The group has a week break and all of them are extremely excited. They are all going home including Hae who is going back to Lille as she lived living there and calls it her hometown. Lee know is actually going with her since she talks about it all the time and he wanted to know if It was as good as she said it was and because they both agreed it was time he met her family

"Hurry up, Minho!" I yell, throwing my self onto the sofa beside hyunjin and surrounded by the rest of the group

"So he's meeting the parent" Felix winks "must be serious" he jokes, batting his eyelids

"Shut up" i laugh ,pushing his shoulder

"Nervous?" Chan asks me. I guess I am, I mean he is meeting my parents but at the same time I know they will like him so I'm not really that worried

"Eh kinda" I tell them, shrugging slightly "but I know they'll love him, so I'm okay" the members nod and smile at me

"Im ready" Lee know says as he enters the room, a black cap on his head matching his all black outfit

"Wow don't you think your outfit's a bit colourful for an airport" I joke, standing up beside him

"Oh shush" she laughs, pulling his suitcase beside him with a big smile

"Okay guys we are gonna leave now" I tell the group, walking to each of them to hug them goodbye

"Bye guys" I wave as Lee know and I step out of the dorm, him closing it behind us. We get to the airport relatively quickly and get out of the car to meet a very big crowd of paparazzi, all their lights flashing as soon as I open the door, blinding me for a moment.

"There's so many of them" I sigh, turning around to face Lee know "they've already seen me"

"They haven't seen me though" he smiles, covering his face with a mask and tucking his hair into his hat

"What are you trying to accomplish?" I laugh, watching him with an amused expression

"So they don't know it's me" he says "because if they see us getting on the same plane they might have some questions"

"Yeah but now it would be me getting on a plane with a stranger" I say cautiously

"Yeah I guess but it's still better than all the rumours being about us" he tells me. I agree with him, if they knew me and him were going together things would get really difficult

"Yeah okay, come on then we're gonna miss our flight" I say, grabbing his hand and walking out of the car, letting go as soon as the cameras can see us. We make it past security and get on our flight soon after. I check the paparazzi websites and find they have already uploaded the photos they took only a few minutes ago

 I check the paparazzi websites and find they have already uploaded the photos they took only a few minutes ago

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@paparazzi78- Stray kid's Hae has been seen with an unknown man at an airport. Who is this man? Is he a boyfriend? Friend? Stay tuned to find out

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