*Two kids room: Lee know*

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"MINHO!" Hae exclaims as Lee know walks in, a bright smile on his face

"SUNNY!" He yells running at the sofa

"It's you!" she laughs as he jumps on her

"it's me!" he chuckles as she wraps her arms around him

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

"you know i actually saw you before Chan introduced us" Lee know smiles, looking at her

"really?" she asks, furrowing her eye brows

"First i heard you singing and i thought you sounded amazing so i went in there to see who it was and it was you" he tells her

"what did you think?" she questions, leaning her head to the side

"I thought you were....wait" He sighs, leaning forward and whispering "the prettiest person i had ever seen" A smirk formed on her face as he went back

"did you really?" She whispers

"yeah and i still do" he nods, resting his arms on the back of the sofa, Hae's smile widens and her cheeks glow pink "I just remember how focused you were, how lost you were in the music"

"i saw you as well,  before Chan found me" she chuckles, looking down and then looking back up at him

"and what did you think?" he laughs

"i thought you were......" she says, leaning closer to whisper in his ear "the most talented and the most handsome man i have ever seen" she chuckles, leaning back

"you did not" he laughs

"i did and i still do" she mocks, leaning closer with every word and then falling back

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

"Remember that fishing show you did?" Hae laughs, looking at him, leaning her head on her elbow which rests on the back of the sofa

"oh yeah, that was really fun" he smiles, returning the look

"i still can't believe how many fish you caught" he sighs, laughing slightly

"what was it like 10?" he chuckles

"i think" she nods

"Wow" He sighed, leaning back "I'm amazing" He smirked

Hae laughed and lightly kicked his leg "I actually have you and a fish you caught as my home screen" she smiles, taking her phone of the table and showing him

"Oh my god it's massive" he laughs, taking her phone and looking at it "do you have more?"

"of course" she smiles "look" she tells him, he puts in her password and scrolls through her photo gallery

"you have loads!" he laughs "why do you have so many?"

"it was a fun day" she chuckles "and Jisung told me you have loads  from my concert" She smiled, in a sing songy voice

"I'm gonna kill him" he whispered "But yeah, i do. Here, look" he tells her pulling his phone out his pocket and giving it to her

"You have so many!" she laughs

"you do as well!"

"not this many" she smiles, looking at him adoringly "why do you have this many?"

"It was fun and you looked very nice" he tells her

"thanks.." she mutters, looking down at the phone "But i look good everyday, so why am i not filling up your whole gallery?"

"That's a solid argument" He sighed, crossing his arms "However i could say the same thing to you"

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