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Hae was sitting in her dorm, waiting for the boys to knock on the door. Today they would be coming to a final decision about her joining the group with the ceo of the company. She nervously waited for them and then immediately jumped up when she heard a knock. She opened the boys and saw all 8 of the boys standing in front of the door "Hi" she smiled

"Are you ready?" Bang chan asked her

"mhm" she nodded, stepping out the door. She turned and met eyes with Lee know. They had had their first date two days ago so they were quite shy around each other. She smiled at him and he did as well before they started walking. 

The group got to the meeting room and were immediately ushered in by the ceo. They sat down around the table. Lee know sat beside Hae and reached for her hand under the table. She was surprised when she felt his hand snake around hers but she gripped his hand back. Slowly she turned and smiled at him, mouthing "Thank you" he smiled at her and then turned his attention back to the man "So, you all want Soon-Bok to join?"

They all nodded "Honestly, our group has felt kind of empty but since soon-bok's joined, it hasn't. She's the something missing" chan explained

"okay" JYP nodded "Soon-bok, are you sure about this?"

"Yes" She nodded, breathing deeply "I am"

"I only ask because there is a girl group that you could join" he sighed, leaning forward "It might be easier if you just debuted in a girl group"

"I want to debut with the boys" She told him "I've been at this company for many years and the only time i've ever felt hopeful is when i'm with them"

"You do understand that you joining will make this a co-ed group, there may be some struggles that come with that" JYP said to them

"We're prepared to deal with any issues that come our way" Lee know said "We want Soon-Bok to debut with us, she makes us better"

"Okay then" JYP sighed "well i guess it's decided, Soon-bok will join you"

"Thank you so much" Hae smiled. All the others repeated 'thank you' and stood up

"Wait" JYP said "Soon-Bok, could i speak to you for a moment"

"Oh um yeah" She nodded. She turned to the boys and shrugged before walking back to the ceo "Is everything okay?"

"i just want you to know it's going to be tough" He said "People are going to expect more, you're going to have to work twice, if not 10 times harder than the boys just to be accepted by the fans"

She breathed in deeply "Yeah, i do" She nodded 

"People are ruthless" He said "you'll have to be as well"

"I will"

Sunny |9th member of skzWhere stories live. Discover now