Part Eleven

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Part Eleven

The buzzing from Emily's phone signals its time for her to rotate so she can achieve her ultimate tan. I fear it's not going to work out the way she wants it too. She turns the alarm off and rolls onto her back, propping her sunnies back on her face.

I recross my legs, fiddling with the gold bracelet hanging off my left wrist. I rub the thin rope between my fingers, looking over at my family. We've been lounging around the beach on Moon Wreck Island for a few hours now. Alex, Jack, and Louisa are trying to catch lunch from the waves, emphasis on the trying part. Mum and dad are playing some card game under the shade of a tree. Nana has brought some of her jewellery making stuff and is busy at work just near us.

I'm tempted to offer her my help, I feel horrible for the slacking behaviour on my half. I haven't been very helpful inside the shed making stuff to sell. I've been more an unnecessary supervisor. If nana is bothered by this behaviour, she hasn't expressed it.

I pull my legs up to my chest, resting my chin on my knees. I watch my brothers joking with each other. Poor Louisa is a little off to the side, kind of like the third wheel but I don't think she minds. She's happily trying to reel in whatever has jumped on her hook. I wonder if Alex has shared with Jack who his mysterious new date is.

I love my brothers, but they do have a tendency to keep me in the dark about things. They claim its big brother stuff that shouldn't be heard by little sisters. Sounds like bullshit to me. Big brothers though, what are you going to do except annoy the shit out of them?

Jack's attention turns to Louisa who has finally caught a decent sized fish, at least from my point of view it looks like a decent sized fish. Alex watches them get the fish off the hook before he looks over at us. He must realise I'm watching him because he waves at me, a huge grin on his face.

I wave back at him, sighing. "Emily?"

"Yeah, babe?"

I glance at her and snort. She's twirling her sunnies in her fingers, eyes closed. "Heard anything on the grape vine about Alex?" I ask.

Her brows furrow for a moment before she puts her sunnies back on, sitting up to look at me. "Alex? I haven't heard anything lately, why? Did he do something he wasn't supposed to?" she looks over at Alex.

I laugh. Alex is almost always doing something he isn't supposed to, he lives for it I swear. "I ran into him the other day and he was leaving a mysterious date; he won't tell me who he was seeing."

She makes an o face. "Um...well...I haven't heard anything."

I stare at her; she knows something about this. I can see it on her face. She cowers under my gaze, falling onto her back and pulls her hat over her face. "Emily..."

"I swear I know nothing."

"Fucking bullshit! I saw you at the bus stop, you must've seen who he was with."

She removes the hat from her face and sits up. "You saw me?"

I narrow my gaze. "Yes...Emily, do you have something to tell me?"

Is Emily the mysterious date? She fiddles with her hat, picking at the edging. I look over to Alex who is conveniently walking this way. I've pictured my brother with a slew of people, but never once did I ever consider my best friend with him. She's never expressed interest in him ever, and he's never expressed interest in her.

I'm never one to stand in the way of something like that but it would be nice to know. I can't believe two people who mean the world to me would do that behind my back.

"Emily...I swear to god if you're dating my need to tell me now."

She gasps, dropping the hat. "Oh my god, no! Eww...Isla I'm not dating him. Why would think that? I would never do that to you."

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