Fuyumi and Hagakure meet and flee!

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     It had been months since their sperm donor told them the news. Their mother was killed by a serial killer during the night at the hospital she was supposed to be safe in. Fuyumi cried every night. Shoto and Natuso tried to console their sister but it was seemingly hopeless. Why did their family always have to suffer?

    But one day. A news report played. Apparently a massive villain attack happened and during the massacre a young man with green hair and eyes wielding an English longsword and shield saved the day and defeated the villains. Not much was known of this boy but he apparently traveled with a white haired woman.

    Not able to accept her mother's death she poured all her strength into finding this boy every day. Now weeks have gone bye and all her searches had been in vain. Today though. Well today was not Fuyumi's day. She stood surrounded by men eyeing her like a piece of meat with an unbearably thick pressure filling the air. She could barely breath and was forced to her knees.

   "Hey boys look what we got here." She heard a venomous voice speak out. "Endeavor let this one off the leash a little too far it seems. Guess he has become tired of following orders. Oh well. More fun for us ain't that right girly?"

   Toru Hagakure had been having a bad day. She was yet again picked on for her quirk. "Worthless nudist bitch. How could you ever be anything special. You'd be better off serving as a whore in a brothel than trying to be a hero. After all you have no problem getting naked." Sighing as she wiped away her tears she came across a terrifying sight.

   A young woman with red and white hair surrounded by men who gave off an aura of pure beastial desire to kill. Hagakure froze as her mind raced at what to do. Her phone was dead and she could see no one. But.....she can't let this woman die. She wants to be a hero. But if that woman dies while she stands there doing nothing..... No it doesn't matter. She has to help. She strips down and silently sneaks towards the woman.

    Izuku and Rei have learned more about Izuku's strange powers. They knew it wasn't a quirk as it had too many different abilities. But this new one was amazing. That morning after yet again waking up on top of Izuku Rei felt that familiar rod raise up. She couldn't help but imagine him using it in her. She felt his breathing and listened to his heartbeat. It was powerful and strong. Thinking he would sleep for awhile longer she had steeled herself and slowly reached down. She felt the 8 pack rock hard abs and then the waistband of his shorts and boxers. She looked up and noticed he was still asleep and smiled while blushing. 'Just this once and it wouldn't mean anything right? He'll think it was a dream. Yeah. You can do this Rei. After all he's done for you this is the least you can do.' She stuck her hand inside and was surprised he had no pubic hair. She slowly reached and wrapped her hand around that massive hard member as her blush deepened. She started to pump when she heard a gasping moan. Looking up she froze.

   Izuku was having a great dream. He and Rei had saved her family and the two were married. She was pregnant with twins and her eyes were bright and full of life. When he suddenly was literally pulled from the dream. He woke with Rei putting her hand in his shorts. He was starting to panic a bit then suddenly he felt her hand wrapped around his penis. She began to stroke it and he tried to hold it in but, the new sensation felt so good a moan left his lips. Rei looked up and their eyes met. They both froze before turning into blushing messes. Rei pulled her hand out and jumped. She said something about she just woke up and her hand was already like that and how his moan woke her up. Seeing her clear embarrassment Izuku just sat up and even though he knew it was a lie he told her it was okay. Accidents happen and smiled. 

   They finished their morning routines and were sitting on the couch when Rei looked at him for a moment and blushed. Noticing this he blushed a bit too. "Y-yes Rei?" She shook her head and spoke. "Y-you know I lied this morning. Sorry Izuku." He smiled. "I know and it's still okay. Won't lie it felt good. Hence the moan. But you should not feel the need to force yourself to do that stuff." He said as he grabbed her hand. "I don't Izuku. I did that as honestly I feel you deserve to be loved and taken care of too. Not just emotionally but.....physically too."

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