Living Will.

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    "Jesus fuck you three scared the piss out of me." Yelled Mina before she looked down and then back at them. "Literally! Fuyumi I'm gonna need a change of clothes." Fuyumi laughed. "Wait until he's done."

    "Living will huh? What does it matter your will is mortal. Just like you!" Izuku laughed as the smoke cleared. Standing 10 ft tall with blue energy pulsing off him in a cape with twin blades each 4 m long and his new spiky blue hair now even long and the energy lines double on his body converging onto his chest in an infinity symbol stood Izuku Midoriya. That same ever present genuine smile on his face.

    "So Princess. How much does your daddy dearest like you?" The prince glared at him as he spoke like a prince of hell didn't matter to him. "Why brat?" Izuku dropped that smile as Rei, Fuyumi, and Momo's eyes opened wide. "Cos I'm about to pound your ass so hard your own mother will get jealous." Mina blinked as she looked at the three women before they began cackling. She blinked again. Before even she started laughing. "So princess. Let's see. I will let you go full power against me for an hour. Once that hour is over I will destroy you. Think you got what it takes to surpass my will? Better make sure its not arrogance cos once you start you're locked in a battle of wills. If you flee you die. If you stop for even a second. You die. If others step in you die. So I ask again princess of hell. Do you truly have what it takes to surpass my will or not?" The Prince roared at the boy who dared challenge his might. "You dare?" Izuku smiled. "Oh I dare. Do you?" The Prince stood still before roaring as he powered up to max. He grew taller and his aura became so strong it alone decimated the surroundings. Once at full strength he smiled at Izuku who lifted a finger. In the sky above their battle a counter appears. "Take your best shot princess. But if you don't last. Don't say you weren't warned." He said with a yawn as he stabbed his massive blades into the ground.

     Roaring the demon charged forward energy blasting off his body as he threw punch after punch. Kick after kick. Energy beams. Elemental attacks everything he had. But beyond his belief this brat stood perfectly still. Never even so much as flinching. 55 minutes of endless attacks and Izuku withstood it all never even being backed up a step. Finally having enough the Prince began charging everything he had into one final beam. He opened his mouth as he continued throwing melee attacks. Every spell, every element, and even his very demonic essence was poured into this attack. "There we go princess. Use your mouth so daddy gets to blast. Be sure to make it good cos you spill a drop and daddy gonna turn your ass into his own personal plaything." The four women began to chuckle "Damn infinty Izuku so sexual yo. Hehe guess he's gotta be having three hotties to take care of at home!" Laughed Mina as Momo coughed a bit after swallowing her tongue for a second. "W-what? Who is the third one after Rei and Fuyumi?" Mina blinked at her then looked at Rei and Fuyumi. "Ya know for a smart chick with a goddess body. She's pretty dumb. And that's coming from me." She deadpanned as Fuyumi chuckled and Rei sighed. "Just let it be Mina. Hehe. She'll figure it out....hopefully faster than Fuyumi did."  Fuyumi slapped her mom's arm "M-moooomm come on why you always throw me under the bus?" Rei smiled as she hugged Fuyumi. "Cos you're the closest thing I have to a daughter!" Fuyumi blinked and pouted at her. "B-but I am y-your d-daughter." Mina and Momo both began to laugh. "Damn that was cold Mrs H.  Hehehe hahaha." Momo tried to compose herself. "Indeed. Hehehehe it's okay Fuyumi at least Rei is the closest thing you have to a mother right?" Rei cackled. "See Fuyumi. Momo gets it. Hehehehe." Fuyumi pouted before she sighed and started to giggle. "Damn. I always fall for it."

    After the 5 minutes the massive blast was launched. An explosion erupted into the night sky so bright the entirety of Japan looked to become a second sun. "Ooh. Pretty light. So princess is this supposed to hurt me anytime now? Or what?" The prince froze. "H-how are y-you still alive human? What are you?" Izuku sigh pulling his blades out. "I told you princess of hell. I'm Izuku Midoriya. The living will. In this form I am the very embodiment of will. Unless you have a will stronger than mine I am invincible. No matter if you're stronger than me. No matter if you use my weaknesses. Nothing can hurt me in this form unless the opponent surpasses the living embodiment of will itself. You gave it a good try. But daddy's bout to ride your ass into the ground. Don't worry. I won't be gentle." Stepping forward with blades held high Izuku began charging his energy as the Prince couldn't even move. He spent everything and came to find out that it was for naught. "You win mortal. I will not beg for mercy. I was bested not just by you. But by my own arrogance. Thank you Izuku Midoriya for teaching me that even as powerful as I am I was nothing in the face of your courage and will. May you end this war." Said the demon as he shut his eyes. "Blades of Destiny. Swordsdance of the Gods!" Roared Izuku as he blitzed past the Prince of Hell. If any being on Earth had the eyes they'd have seen 10,000 energy slashes cut the demon's very cells in half before converging into a massive ball and compressing until the resulting explosion blew every atom of the demon into nothingness. Sighing Izuku turned around. "I will Prince of Hell. That I will." He said as he sheathed the blades on his back and walked towards where the police held his mother.

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