Endeavors secrets told. 🍋Girls enjoy!🍋

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    Izuku was working hard one day training everyone as his mother had gotten hired at UA a few days after the last demon incident. While all the descendants have been getting along Momo Yaoyorozu has been taking it hard because she lost her parents and basically everyone she knew. She gained the boy she been yearning for to save her from Endeavor's desire for quirk marriage but it cost her everything. Fuyumi and Rei have taken to helping her realax by teaching her the various flora and fauna. Momo though was hard to reach at times. The reality of the events finally had hit her.

"Yo Momo anyone in there?" Asked Mina. Though she was trying as were Tsu and Toru they knew only one person could reach her and he was busy fighting demons in the forest. "What can we do to help her? Kero." Tsu asked. She hated seeing someone in this condition. 'Let me Tsu why don't you three help Fuyumi and Rei. I'm almost there.' Izuku communicated to her. "Izuku is on his way here now. He said for us to help Fuyumi and Rei. Kero." Mina wanted to protest but knew if anyone can reach her its the Knight. That boy was a goddamn miracle worker.

    "Miss Yaoyorozu. Are you there?" He asked as Momo looked up expecting her butler but it was the Knight. He saved her. He died for her. He won for her. She wanted to be useful to him to help him but she did not know how. "You are useful to me Momo. Yes. Mindreader remember. Listen. You are hurt worse than you think. Mental pain is harder to fight. Emotional pain is the second as physical is the easiest. You are suffering on an emotional and mental level. Come with me Momo." He said holding out his hand. She took it. It confused her. She had barely known him a few days and she had no problem being in bed with him completely naked or doing things with him. No not that stuff. Well maybe later. Why? Cos fuck you I'm the one writing this. That's it get outta my face. Oh how dare y...... Ahem. Anyway. If he asked for help she'd gladly give it. But he rarely ever asked her to use her quirk for anything. That confused her. "Because you overused it and I have no need to ask for things you can't do or make without your quirk Momo. Okay but I can't. Your mind is screaming so loud in pain. I have tried my hardest to ignore your mental shouts of pain. It literally causes me pain to do that so I cannot." Said Izuku as Momo forgot all about how his telepathy and mind reading works.

    "I'm sorry Izuku. I want to help you but I can't help you like Fuyumi and Rei do." She said. Izuku knew what she meant but wanted her to say it. "What do you mean Momo?" Momo sighed and said. "I don't feel ready for sex." Izuku began laughing and she got angry. "Whoa slow down Momo. Don't misundertand me. I laughed because I never wanted help like that. As I said before I have no problem waiting. As in case you hadn't notice they have no issue doing that. But what you also hadn't notice is I'm not the one who intiates that stuff. Every time it's either Fuyumi or Rei. Momo there's more to this world than quirks and sex. I only want you three to do what makes you happy and to keep you three safe. But I have a feeling you're worried about the Yaoyorozu estate correct? As you are the heiress to their empire. So how about I take you there? We have time and you have things that you need to secure for yourself correct?" Momo smiled a bit. "I think that would help. I have to ensure that the companies are doing what they're supposed to do. And.....the will..." She started crying again as Izuku pulled her into a hug. "Momo you do not have to do this alone. Even if the goddess hadn't requested me to save her descendants if you met the me before the power I'd have gone out of my way to help you. I never want people to hurt or feel like they're all alone in this world. You have us. Sure Mina is a pain. Tsu is blunt. Toru can be a bit hyper. Fuyumi has an overactive sex drive and Rei teases us all. But they're all good people. Yes I have not let it slip past me that all my friends are girls. Uhhh only 2. Fuyumi and Rei. I've not done anything with the other three. Why? Hmm not really sure." Said Izuku. "Hehehe. You do have a way of cheering me up when you converse with yourself Sir Izuku. Hehe. But thanks. I never would have survived if not for you. Sigh. I miss them Izuku. All of them. They died for a senseless reason. I wish I could understand it." She said. Sighing Izuku spoke softly. "Momo most murders are for senseless reasons. My own was for a truly senseless one." Momo froze. "W-what do you mean?" He teared up and told her everything as she wept for him. "So you see Momo. We may find them senseless but to the other side it makes perfect sense. I was very fortunate if I did not do as I did I'd have died and never made the deal with Crystalia. I am strong now yes. But in my head not at all. I barely managed to control my nightmares when I first saved Rei. They were so bad we barely got to sleep. She was always taking care of me at night. I still have them from time to time but it's not the end. Do you know why I go off to train all alone a few times a week?" He asked Momo just shook her head. "To slice myself to ribbons and throw myself into cliffwalls. I'm damaged goods Momo. I do not tell people I've survived hell as a brag. It's truth. Hell I've shown demons my life story and they felt bad. That's how messed up of a life I have lived. But understand this Momo I will fulfill my oath. Nothing will stop me until the 4 Himuras are saved. As well as the littlest descendant. Sorry. I didn't want to tell you any of this." Said Izuku with a sigh. "How? How do you still go on?" Asked Momo as she hugged Izuku. "Because I have no other options. My only other one is death. Things tend to prevent that. But if saving the cursed descendants can bring me out of this despair I'll do it. I have no issues with that. I was cursed with being quirkless but I will prove that even though I was born without a quirk. Even though I was supposed to die. Even though nobody knows my purpose. Even though demons wage war I will prove I am a true hero. I will not stop moving forward. I will slay every demon. I will conquer any challenge. I will become the greatest hero the one who was courage and will personified. No matter the future that was determined for me I will create my own."

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