Part One: The Truth

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I do not own the rights to any Addams Family or Wednesday characters.

Nevermore Woods - Crackstone's Crypt - Night

Wednesday POV

Tyler had insisted we meet at Crackstone's crypt for our so called "date". I wasn't sure how much I enjoyed this idea but I have to admit, his persistence and confidence intrigued me. Most people wouldn't wanna talk to me, let alone take me on a date. I might as well see where this goes.

I finally made my way through the forest and came upon the familiar crypt, it's connection to the message burned into the ground of Nevermore tucked into the recesses of my mind. I was so lost in thought I tripped over a root, expecting to fall but two arms caught me before I did. I looked up and realized I was looking into the warm and welcoming eyes of Tyler Galpin. His worried face looking down at me, he pulls me to my feet and lets go quickly, realizing he was still holding onto my arms.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hold on so long. Just wanted to make sure you were alright." I could see he was sincere and my cold expression softened just a little.

"It's alright. Thank you for the help." I finished my sentence in my usual emotionless voice. He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"A thank you from Wednesday Addams? That's not something I thought I would ever hear." His crooked smile teaming with delight.

"Don't push it. Your lucky I even agreed to this meet. I was debating not to but Thing convinced me. Figured I needed to forget about the case for a night or two." His smile grows even wider.

"Remind me to thank Thing next time I see him. He's really starting to grow on me." He laughs a little and I can't help but look at him in an endearing way.

He pulls one of his arms from behind his back, surprising me with a flower. Not just any flower. A black dahlia. He can somehow tell I'm surprised even though my expression barely changes.

"I remember seeing one on your desk after picking you up for the Rave'N. Figured you might enjoy another one." I take the flower, a small smile etching at the sides of my mouth. "This next part you may not like as much but I promise it will be worth it. You just have to close your eyes."

The last part did kind of put me on edge but I could tell from Tyler's expression that this next surprise needed for me to be blindfolded. I begrudgingly closed my eyes and felt Tyler's hand lace with my own. I pre-emptively thought to pull away but reminded myself I was in a situation with someone I can trust. I heard the doors of the crypt open and was gently guided inside. Eventually I came to a stop. I could smell the familiar stench of death and decay. Not off to a bad start.

"You can open your eyes now Wednesday." I felt Tyler's hand release from mine and the sound of the crypt doors closing echoed throughout the small room. My eyes flicked open and what I saw was something I would never expect. Small string lights lined the walls creating an eerie yet comforting glow. A small blanket was strewn across the top step of the tomb, along with two small buckets of popcorn. An older looking projector with the tape rolling but the bulb turned off sat waiting patiently. I heard the release of a wire and turned around to see Tyler letting a small white screen fall from the ceiling.

"What? No one's ever taken you on a date inside a crypt before?"

My eyes still slightly widened in surprise, he walked past me then turned around. "How do you feel about scary movies?" My small but barely visible smile returned.

We sat next to each other, Tyler reaching behind us to start the movie. The white screen shimmered as the movie began. A girly pop song began to play and my face twisted into a look of disgust. This expression remained through the entirety of the movie, but every now and then I caught Tyler stealing longing glances at me. He would realize I see him but would make no attempt to look away. His look of contempt and small smile made this unbearable torture just a tad bit more bearable.

Eventually the movie came to a close, the credits rolling and sound of tape clicking signifying the end. My face returning to its regular emotionless state. Tyler stands up, stretching his arms and legs. He extends a hand to me and I gladly take it. We eventually end up very close to one another. I can tell he's waiting to see what I think.

"That was torture. Thank you." His face lit up and I could tell he was very happy. Before I knew it he walked up to me and we were only inches apart. I can tell what he's about to say before he says it.

"Wednesday, I want to be more than friends with you." I was expecting this and let out a small sigh.

"I'm barely even friend-material, let alone more than friend-material." I try to look away but my eyes end up locked with his.

"Don't do that." His expression changed from happy to concerned.

"Don't do what?"

"Discount my feelings like that. Try and tell me how I should feel about you."

"Tyler- '' Before I finish he stops me. He takes my hand in his. I want to let go but I don't. He looks at me but doesn't say anything.

"This won't work out the way you want it to. I'll ignore your feelings, stomp on your heart, and always put my needs first." I let go of his hand but he laces his fingers with mine, his body moving closer.

"You can keep trying to push me away, but it's not gonna work."

"I'll put you in danger."

"It's worth the risk"

"I almost got you killed."

"I'm tougher than you think."

I go to retort but realize with each rebuttal, Tyler had moved closer still, our faces just centimeters apart. He leans his head down, his eyes focused on my lips, a small twitch of nervousness present but unseen. His lips hover just barely above my own.

"You're making a mistake." His head stops, his soft breathing I can feel brush against my cheek.



This time my words do nothing as his lips move towards mine. I can't help but slowly close the gap between us until finally-.

The door to the crypt busted open and two officers along with Tyler's dad stepped inside, their guns and flashlights raised. Our heads both snap towards the door, the almost tender moment ruined. I was feeling upset? But I didn't even want to kiss him. Did I?

"Oh you gotta be kidding me. Tyler?" Tyler's face goes red and a hint of red flushes my cheeks but disappears as quickly as it came.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Tyler's face was a mix of annoyance and disappointment.

"We found our bank robbery suspect's bike nearby. We figured he was close and this was our first stop." He puts away his gun and flashlight, his officers following suit. "If anyone asks, I never saw you two here." He sighs and steps out of the crypt, closing the doors behind him.

Tyler lets loose a long sigh as he sits back on the blanket. He puts his hands through his hair, his expression turning steely and unmoving. I can tell something is bothering him. I sit next to him, our hands almost touching.

"What is it?" To my surprise my voice is soft and full of concern. He looks at me, his eyes afraid and bloodshot. This was a side of Tyler I hadn't seen before. He was truly afraid of something. This time I moved of my own free will, placing my hand on top of his, my other hand caressing his cheek. A single tear slowly slides down his cheek.

"I think I'm the monster."

Darkness and Love: A Wednesday x Tyler StoryWhere stories live. Discover now