Part Four: Devil in Disguise

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It was like all the oxygen in the room had been sucked out. No one dared to breathe. Then all the pieces fit themselves together in my head.

Her special attention towards me, her insistence on helping me with the case, knowing who Tyler was at the dance, her knowledge of the Nightshades, being the only normie who would willingly work at Nevermore. It gave Laurel Gates all the resources and knowledge she needed to finally get rid of all the outcasts, including her best resource of all. A killing machine that she could control.

"Thornhill." I breathed out. My face contorted from surprised to anger. Enid and Ajax stood, unable to move.

"That was her. The woman from the cave who tortured and experimented on me. That was her name. I remember now." He clutched his head, falling to his knees, a small growl escaping his lips. My eyes widened as I knew what was happening. Enid and Ajax stepped in front of Eugene. I grabbed Tyler's shoulders bringing him down to my level.

"Tyler, I'm right here. She's not. Don't let the memory of her control you anymore." As I finished talking, his body stopped growing and his eyes returned to their normal dark brown color. This time he stayed conscious and looked me right in the eye.

"I guess I owe you for saving me. Again." He chuckled his normal warm laugh.

"If you're not careful you're gonna owe me too many favors." A small smile played across my lips that only he could see. I put my forehead against his and everything was back to normal again. After the quick exchange we turned to face everyone. Enid's face was lit up like a Christmas tree, Ajax had a smug but approving smile and Eugene was plain ol confused.

"Okay. We've wasted enough time. We have to take down Thornhill before she finishes her plan."

"But how? If we tell Weems she'll never believe us?"

"I think I've got an idea that just might work. But it's gonna take all of us. Tyler?" He turned to face me. "Do you think you're strong enough to hold off Thornhills influence?"

"After today, definitely."

"Good. Cause I'm gonna need you to pretend to be on her side. She doesn't know that you're on our side so we're gonna use that to our advantage. Enid and Ajax?" They both looked over at me.

"You two are gonna get Weems and convince her to lock down the school. Whatever Laurel is up to, it evolves all the outcasts at school. Maybe get Xavier and Bianca too. They could be of some help. After that bring Weems to the greenhouse but stay out of sight so we can continue to the next part of our plan." They both nod.

"But how do we get back to Nevermore without Tyler? I don't have a car." Ajax says this as he scratches his head.

"Call my dad. Tell him we figured out who the killer is, this involves catching him. He'll drive you back." Enid pulls out her phone and calls the sheriff as her and Ajax head out. I look at Eugene next.

"And you. You stay put this time. Last time we almost lost you. I don't wanna see you dead, let alone in a coma again. Got it?" Eugene goes to say something but sees I'm serious.

"Okay. But please call me if you need help?" I nod and he lays back down in his hospital bed.

I turn and look at Tyler, his expression a mix of determination and anger.

"We are going to get her. I promise."

"With you leading us, I know we will." His kind words made me slightly blush but I pushed it away because we had work to do. I grabbed Tyler's hand and headed out the door.

Darkness and Love: A Wednesday x Tyler StoryWhere stories live. Discover now