Chapter 2 - Part Two: New Enemies

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New Jersey - Addams Family Home - Day

Wednesday POV:

After my dream last night, I didn't bother sleeping. I was still reeling from the information I was given. Luckily I have a photographic memory, so I won't be losing it anytime soon. Tyler saw I was a little shaken up and opted to stay with me for the rest of the night.

The morning was just as hectic. Tyler's dad was on the phone most of the time, getting as many details as he could about the case from his deputy Santiago. Tyler and I had hastily packed our bags so we could hit the road as soon as possible. I gave Enid a quick call, letting her know we were heading to Nevermore early. She was also packing as she had heard the news from Ajax. Bianca and Xavier were also on their way to Jericho. We all decided to meet up to discuss the case together.

My parents and brother were sad to see us go, but they knew Jericho needed us. My father gave me his signature hug and kiss on the cheek while my mother blew me a kiss from afar. Pugsley however gave me a hug like he always did. This time I did not mock him, knowing what we were about to walk into was potentially dangerous.

"Stay safe sis." I gave him a curt nod.

"I don't know who this man is but he is dangerous. Keep your guard up here at home as well." I pull a small key out of my pocket and hand it to Pugsley. "It's for my secret weapon stash. Only for emergencies." He nodded then took his place next to my parents. Tyler was next to say his goodbyes. He shook my father's hand first.

"It was great getting to know you and your family sir." My father gave Tyler a pat on the shoulder. 

"It was excellent getting to know you too, my boy. I can tell you and my daughter care a lot about each other. So I trust you to keep her safe." He abruptly pulls him close and whispers his next sentence that I can barely hear. "But if you break her heart, no one will find your body." He gave Tyler his signature smile, his demeanor change making Tyler go pale.

"Y-yes sir." Tyler shook off my father's threat but I could tell it still lingered in his mind. Next, he gave Pugsley a fist bump, the connection they had created over the summer making me smile just a little bit. My mother handed Tyler a rose, the flower part chopped off the top of course.

"For luck." He gave her a grateful smile. Tyler's dad said his goodbyes to the family and it was time to hit the road. Lurch loaded up our luggage and opened the door, letting us in. The car started, making our way down the drive. I looked back one more time, watching my family wave us off. I don't know what's in store for us in Nevermore, but for the first time in my life, I was a little scared of what was going to happen next.

The Highway Outside Jericho - Day

The ride back to Jericho seemed to go a lot faster than when we left. We spent the majority of the ride going over my vision and coming up with who the mystery man might be and what his endgame in Jericho could spell for Nevermore and the town. A blanket of fog had taken over the valley, the headlights of the car barely piercing its thickness as we drove.

As Laurel had never mentioned working with anyone during her little scheme against the outcasts, the list of potential suspects consisted of three people. Laurel, who had faked her death previously to get away from the public eye to help her hide in the shadows. We can't prove she's not involved until I see her body for myself. The other is Laurel's father Ansel Gates. According to Tyler's dad, he had become an alcoholic after Garrett passed away and eventually it sent him to an early grave. But with the existence of supernatural elements now plaguing the town, another member of the Gates family coming back to life wasn't out of the question.

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