Part Seven: The End?

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I made my way out of the crypt and hear howling and roaring in the distance. That can't be good. I rushed over and saw a werewolf Hyde? I saw Ajax and Thing camped out behind a tree nearby.

"Ajax!" I ran over, making sure not to get spotted.

"Tyler? What the hell dude? Where have you been?"

"It's a long story. What's going on?"

"Laurel used your blood to turn herself into a Hyde. She's gonna kill Enid!" I peeked around the corner and the intense fight between the two creatures continued. Then it came to me.

"I've got a plan. Just make sure, on my signal, take off your beanie." He looked at me wide-eyed.

"Why would I take off my-ohhh." I saw from his face it finally clicked. He nodded his head, telling me he understood. I looked over and saw Laurel had Enid pinned against a tree, her claw starting to crush the werewolf's head.

"Here we go." I ran out and willed myself to change, my Hyde side obeying me now. It was like we were one. I punched Laurel in the side of the head, throwing her off balance. I picked up Enid and moved her to a safe place next to Ajax. I could tell she was hurt and started to change back. I turned back to Laurel and growled. She did the same to me.

Our fight felt like it lasted for an eternity. Finally, I was able to sweep her legs and get one arm around her neck. I pinned her to the ground and forced her to look toward Ajax. I roared, hoping he understood that was the signal. He shot me a thumbs-up and started to pull off his beanie. I closed my eyes and waited. Laurel stopped squirming and her Hyde body felt more solid than before.

"You can open your eyes now Tyler!" I heard Ajax yell from a few feet away. I opened them and saw what I was hoping for. Ajax had used his Gorgon powers to stone her. She was temporarily paralyzed and out of commission. I willed myself back to normal and leaned against a tree, catching my breath. I had a few scratches here and there but nothing too serious. I looked over and saw Thing had found an extra pair of clothes in a shack nearby. I hastily threw them on and made my way over to Ajax and Enid.

Thing was holding Enid's hand tight as she changed back. Ajax and I both closed our eyes as she pulled on the pink fur jacket she had taken off before she transformed. After she was dressed we both made sure she was alright.

"Enid, where is Wednesday?" Sniffed a little while Ajax cleaned up some blood from off her face.

"We made sure she got to Nevermore. She had to stop Crackstone." I stood up and looked at Ajax.

"Can you get her back to the school alright? If Crackstone is inside all the students would be out near the gates after evacuating." Ajax nodded.

"Yeah, I've got her. Go." I gave him a curt nod and went to go but Enid grabbed my arm.

"Tyler. Please make sure Wednesday is okay."

"I promise. I won't let anything happen to her. Call my dad and tell him what happened." She gave me a half-hearted smile. I turned around and started jogging toward Nevermore. Let's just hope I'm not too late.

Nevermore - The Quad - Night

Wednesday POV:

A Few Minutes Earlier

With a newfound fire in my eyes, I raced through the broken gates of Nevermore and toward the quad. I heard the screams of the other students and knew Crackstone must be there. I grabbed the sword my mother had used to stop Garrett Gates almost 30 years ago. A little poetic don't you think?

As I passed people I yelled, "Everyone evacuates to the front gate!" They all happily obliged and eventually, there were only a few stragglers left.

Finally, I made it to the quad and Crackstone was there, about to swing his staff and kill some of the students.

Darkness and Love: A Wednesday x Tyler StoryWhere stories live. Discover now