Brother gets addicted

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Jarius put his hands in his neck and remarked, "I'm not pleased with this performance. It wasn't my best." He stormed off.

Mindy muttered, "Jarius..."
Stomping in the corridor, Jarius screamed, "Damn it! I lost! I'm not going to try again. Instead, I'll secretly trap myself in a lot of despair."

He secretly took his phone out and opened the App Store. Looking at the popular game recommended. "Your Hero Acaademia: The Best Hero", he muttered. "That should take my mind off the loss for a while! HAHAHA!"
"MINDY!!!" Mrs Lee yelled across the class. "PAY ATTENTION!"

Forty pairs of eyes stared at her. Flustered, Mindy waved her hands and blushed, explaining, "You got the wrong idea! I usually do pay attention in class, but recently..."

Mrs Lee's looks softened. "Are you trying to say you are bothered by something personal?"

Mindy nodded.

"Don't worry; I won't judge you for that. Meet me after class then."
At the rooftop, Mrs Lee asked, "What is the personal thing you have been bothered by?"

"My brother. He has been more distant with me and hasn't been spending time with me," Mindy replied.

"All the 6-2 teachers noticed it too. He has been changing - for the worse. We all predicted it could be an addiction, the loss last week or even both. Can you check on him at please? I know how much you love him."

"Leave it to me. I'll do it."

"You better not forget."
After doing some homework with Flora at the library, Mindy placed her things down and snuck to Jarius' room. Jarius was playing a computer game on the computer. "Well, the game stalled on my phone, so I downloaded the game on the laptop! Now the family laptop is all mine now!" Jarius declared.

Mindy chided; "And how long have you been playing for?"

"2 hours 30 minutes! In other words, since I got home from after school classes!"

"Did you ask Mum and Dad if you could download this game?"


Sighing, Mindy closed the door behind her and left for her room.
In her room, Mindy turned the TabiTablet on and reported, "Tabi, stop whatever you're doing. It's urgent. My brother Jarius is addicted to games. I need your help. Please do your best with me for this badge."

"Tabi will always do her best!" Tabi cheered. "No challenge is too big for Tabi! Let's unlock the Internet badge together!"

Just then, the Moral Flower wilted. The other girls were studying when they received this alert.

Standing up, the girls plucked their wilted petals and performed their spell.





"The four values that take us far!" Each one of them reached their hand to form a mystical door.

"Let's go and fight!" Everyone went into their mystical door.
Pressing the Virtue Brushes on the Virtue Apache, the mirrors within their civilian looks. Taking out their hair accessories, they yelled, "Go! Moral fusion!"

Mindy formed a heart shape with her hands, forming her top. Flora spins around forming her dress and silver wings. Judy tapped her feet, forming her red ballet shoes.'Alice raised her head, forming her purple ponytail. Their pacts were kept in their lunches before the girls jumped down and posed together.

"Sending a big heart, I'm Guardian Kindness!"

"Giving my best in everything I do, I'm Guardian Effort!"

"Telling the truth no matter what, I'm Guardian Honesty!"

"Believing that I can, I'm Guardian Optimism!"

"Sing our morals! We are the mystical moral guardians!"
Alice kicked things off, running quickly to Lily and stepped in her feet. Turning her around, Alice did a "ballroom dance", chasing Lily to fall in her butt.

Judy was agile enough to cartwheel to Peter. However, Peter used his favourite shield and Judy ended up hitting the shield. With the pain of the shield, Judy's legs Gave way, chasing her to collapse on the ground.

Getting up, Peter released the black rocks to the girls. Flora used her Sapphire Shield to defend her friends from the rocks. Due to her diligent training, the shield was finally able to withstand the rocks for two minutes.

Mindy ended the fight, performing Kindness Heart in real time. This time, the attack successfully knocked Peter out.

"Rest assured, I'll perform the finisher this time round," Alice reassured.
Pressing the Virtue Brush on the Virtue Pact, Alice scooped some light from the Virtue Pact. Drawing a star, Alice yelled, "Let my bright side show! Optimism Star!" The star hit the Sin Clone defeating it instantly.
With the door opening, the four walked into it, detransforming and going their own paths.
While waiting for Lily to come around, Peter checked the stats and gasped.

"The girls are getting their fourth badge? Unforgivable!"

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