9. How Old Are You Now?

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Blow me with your stormy breath
to make my flames prolong
My body as a source of heat
Rejoice and sing the song

How old are you now?
How old are you now?
Happy birthday dear Heron
How old are you now?

Take back what you said
before my flames burn out
And when my lofty pride will melt
I'll proudly join the crowd, singing

How old are you now?
How old are you now?
Happy birthday dear Heron
How old are you now?

We never get the best pleasures for free
We've never known the cost
but today I'm here for me
My head is harder now
My mouth is sharper now
Next year will be another time
But yes, today, I'm here for me

How old are you now?
How old are you now?
Happy birthday dear Heron
How old are you now?

— theptwelve
June 29, 2020

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