Dr. Augustine

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Quinton's Outfit, Hairstyle & Tats

Quinton's Outfit, Hairstyle & Tats

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Well, where to begin?

It's been damn near a decade since Quinton had last seen her father, the last she'd heard he'd been sent off to Pandora to be the head of security.

Quinn had been alone since then.

On their way to pick up her old man after his third tour in Nigeria; Quinn was involved in a devastating car accident that claimed the life of her mother.
Quinn herself was ejected from the crash and suffered a severed spinal cord that paralysed her from the waist down, the left side of her neck and around her jawline was heavily scarred from being scraped across the asphalt face first for close to ten feet
She also now bore a small scar along the edge of her right eyebrow going diagonally, as a result of her head coming through the windscreen and a shard of glass slicing her face.

Can you imagine being paralysed at just 9 years old?
With your mother dead and your old man leaving you behind with nothing but a small amount of cash to ensure you could offered a mechanical leg brace to aide your mobility?

That's it, no goodbye, not even a note
Just instructions to the hospitals medical staff to get her the brace and send her on her merry way, given that the world had completely turned to shit and the human race didn't give a shit about anyone or anything anymore, they did exactly what he'd asked.

No rehabilitation, no checking to insure the child had somebody to go home to, nothing... she was completely alone.

Quinn; now 19, had been living by herself in her mom's old apartment until the age of 14 when she was eventually evicted.
Thankfully she was already working three jobs at the time and had enough cash to find herself a shitty apartment she'd learn to call home for the next 5 years of her life.

The mechanical leg brace worked by a surgical implant placed into the damaged spinal tissue and it would receive signals sent by the brain to make the brace move, unfortunately Quinn couldn't bend her hips, knees or ankles; just totally stiff legged.

Once again; misfortune struck, as the money her father left her could only cover the brace, the skin on her neck and jaw healed jaggedly and like it'd been gnawed on by a wild animal.

So Quinn elected her best course of action would be to have the scars covered by ink instead of waiting years for money she'd never receive.

On her right forearm was two large fern leaves accompanied by a moth, signifying her personal transformation into a strong independent woman as a result of abandonment, neglect and half her life being torn right from her.
She over came things by herself that other's would beg the help of friends and family but... not Quinn, she had no one.

Disloyal (Avatar Film Series) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now