When Your In Cryo You Don't Dream, Yet Young Quinn Did
She Saw So Many Things That She'd Never Been Witness To, Yet She Saw It As Though It Was A Live Feed Playing Inside Her Mind
For Example; A Forest Beaming With Light Despite Being Beneath The Ni...
"You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen respect that fact every second of every day" Quinn could hear her father's voice from down the hall as she and Jake neared the cafeteria for their briefing.
"If there is a hell, you might wanna go there for some R&R after a tour on Pandora. Out there beyond that fence, every living thing that crawls, flys or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes"
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That's when she saw him as she rounded the doorway, he was much more haggard than she remembered but still incredibly strong for an ageing man, but now he adorned three jagged scares across the right side of his head.
Beside him was a young man, completely stone faced and staring dead ahead; his name tag read Corporal Mansk Beside Mansk was a coloured woman, her expression the exact same as her fellow soldier but her tag read Commander Colton, the small medical patch on her sleeve indicated she was a medic of some sort.
"We have an indigenous population of humanoids called the Na'vi, they're fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin that will stop your heart in one minute" he began walking down the middle isle of the cafeteria "And they have bones reinforced with naturally occurring carbon fibre, they are very hard to kill..." that was when he saw her
Quinn put her bag down on the table as her and Jake remained near the back of the briefing, it'd been more than 15 years since he'd last seen his daughter, he recognised her instantly, she had his stone cold eyes after all.
Miles seemed to loose all train of thought as he made eye contact with the 19 year old, his features were conflicted with a mixture of shock, unease and, regret. She never imagined seeing something as prudent as regret on her father's face, but she wouldn't allow him to win by breaking her spirit anymore as she glared at him from across the room.
Miles remembered where he was and the position he held, he had to be professional. "As head of security, it is my job to keep you alive" he seemed to stare right at Quinn as he said those words before turning his back to face the rest of the new comers.
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