[ 007 ]

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dawn. the sun was setting, youre now holding enas piece of paper she gave you earlier with both of your hands while walking home.

"i wonder whats inside it." mumbling, you thought it was another passive aggressive letter from her, but you were wrong, well kind of.

the paper actually contains her phone number.


to y/n,

hey dumbass, heres my phone number. just because a friend of mine told me to do so.


ps: dont take this shit romantically or whatever


           you smiled softly at her letter after reading it, you didnt even realise that someone was behind you

"oi, y/n." you heard a familiar masculine voice behind you. turning around, you saw enas brother, akito.

"oh hey." you smiled at him.

"whats that?" the ginger pointed at the piece of letter in your hands.

"its nothi-"

"its a letter from ena, right?" he crossed his arms.

"okay fine it is."

"can i see it?" you handed it to him.

"oh. its her phone number." akito laughed.

"whats so funny?" you furrowed your eyebrows at the taller boy in front of you.

"oh its nothing, i just thought that this was the moment youve been waiting for." he smirked.

"haha very funny but im already over your sister." you snatched enas letter away from his hands. "liar." he said.

"a-anyway ill get going now."

"oh yeah sure ill tell ena about this." he teased. only for you to show your middle finger and muttering a 'fuck you' at his face.

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