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Hiccup, Marie and Chris were in Hiccups hut. Standing around a small table, the one legged viking spoke up "So which one of you wants to be the spy?" "I could be the spy" Marie answered, Chris immediately shook her head "No, I'll be the spy. I'm a better actor, not only that my father was a dragon hunter before. Which of us would Viggo believe more?". Marie crossed her arms "Awe come on! I can act too!" "But im better at it". Hiccup looked at Chris, a slight suspicion came in his mind 'Chris is acting weird lately' he thought but sighed "Chris will go" he decided. Chris nodded, Marie looked away.

Chris packed some stuff, like some coal pencil, papers, childhood stuff and ect. The rider in white armor walked with their Snow fury to the meeting hut. Marie and Hiccup already waiting, the other riders are somewhere else. Hiccup had his arms crossed "Are you ready?" "Yes" Chris answered "We will meet in three days, on the changewing island on the highest point" "Alright". Chris wanted to hop on Nightflight but Marie grabbed his arm and pulled Chris into a hug "Please stay safe.. I don't want to loose you". Chris hugged back "Ofc I'll be safe". Chris pulled away, turning away but she gave Marie a quick kiss on the cheek before flying off. Marie blushed and smiled softly.

Chris flew a while until she spotted the hunters base. She landed on the island, keeping some distance from the base, he got off Nightflight "Cloak yourself.". The Snow fury did so. Chris continued walking to the base, his dragon following him. He got closer and closer, finally arriving. A hunter spotted the white armored person "Stop! Who are you?!" the hunter yelled and aimed at Chris with a crossbow. Other hunters turn to her. A growl appears but no dragon in sign "Calm Nightflight." Chris gave his dragon a hand sign to keep silent and hidden. The hunters were on guard. Trying to find out where the growl came from. A other hunter was very nervous and asked "Who are you amd what do you want!?". Chris gave them a sadistic smirk "Im here to talk to your leader.". Now a big viking with an angry expression came to them "Im Ryker. The leader's older brother. Who are you?". Chris clapped her hands together "Im here to talk with the leader, so your younger brother.". Ryker stared at her. One hunter turned to the big muscular hunter "This person has a dragon with them, we don't know where tho". Rykers expression darkened and got closer to Chris "Where's your dragon?". Chris made a small dark but playful chuckle and snipped, her Snow fury uncloak himself and came closer, his ice blue with lime green colored eyes pierced through them, a growl came out of his throat. The hunters got ready to shoot and Ryker was about to take out his axe but Chris held up her right hand, looking at the hunters and his dragon stopped approaching the hunters and his expression calmed down "This is Nightflight. A Snow fury. Don't do anything stupid, his very fast. Im just here to talk to your leader". Nightflight sat down, his tail with the speed stinger like tail in the air. Ryker let his axe go and the hunters calmed down "Why do you want to talk to Viggo?" Ryker asked suspiciously "I want to join you hunters. I'll explain it more if you finally bring me to Viggo.". Ryker thought for a moment but nodded "Fine. But some hunters will follow us, just to be sure." "Im fine with that". Ryker lead Chris to Viggo's tent, her Snow fury following, three hunters making sure that the Snow fury does not do anything. Ryker opened the tent, a tall, handsome viking woth a beard looks up "What is it brother?" "We have a guest.". Ryker walked inside, Chris following, her hands behind her back. Viggo now looked at the newcomer, suddenly Nightflights head appeared in the tent to but Chris put a hand on his snout "Stay outside. I'll be fine. Don't do anything stupid and behave, just take a nap or something.". The Snow fury nodded and lied down infront of the tent. Viggo got suspicious "A dragon rider?" he asked. Chris only chuckled like that's the funniest thing she ever heard "No im not a dragon rider. I may know them but i don't like them.". Viggo had his elbows on his table and his face against his hands together as a fist. Raising a eyebrow, Ryker stood in the corner and sharpened his axe. Viggo was suspicious but also corious and gestured to the seat infront of his table "Sit down" Chris did so. Viggo now sat up straight "Why are you here?" "Well. I am the daughter of a dragon hunter. A well known dragon hunter, sadly my father died a few years ago. I want to follow his footsteps but I couldn't really do this on my own. I was after my fathers death alone, well i had Nightflight but he doesn't count as human. When I heard about you and how great of a hunter you are I figured i could join you. I know, i have a dragon and ride on him but i had him since i was five. I really want to join, not only because I want to follow my fathers footsteps but also because i hate dragon. Besides my own". Viggo listened closely, he didn't really trusted the newcomer, Ryker did not either. Chris went on "And think about it. The dragon riders, when we crashed into each other, wanted me to join them. I declined every time. I hate them but they don't know that. Neither do they know i want to hunt dragons. I could be a great spy for you! I just ask to join... And finally have some sort of family." Chris now finished talking. Viggo looked at his brother, Ryker looked back. Now the younger Grimborn looked at Chris "Fine. I'll let you join. You will act as a spy to them, amd tell us everything you get to know from them.". Chris nodded and stood up, bowing down "Thank you. You won't regret it". Viggo stared at her "Mhm... You haven't told us your name yet.". Chris stood up straight again "Oh I am so sorry! My bad! Im Chris.". Viggo nodded "Fine. Now go, Ryker show her around and give her own tent. I have things to do". Ryker rolled his eyes "Fine. Follow me, newcomer.". Ryker walked out of the tent, Chris following close. As they left the tent, Nightflight stood up and stretched himself following his owner. Ryker showed them around, as they came across cages filled with dragons, Chris looked at them "Wow that are alot of dragons." "I know. They used to be much more but those stupid riders keep getting in our way!" "Ugh, they are so annoying." "Yeah.". Nightflight moved his head the cages, he starts to drool. Chris placed his hand on Nightflights snout "I know you're hungry but not now. We'll get some fish later and maybe we hunt a small dragon, sounds good?". The Snow fury nodded. After Ryker showed them around, he brought them to a tent they could sleep in "Here, this will be your tent now." "Thanks. Is it ok if Nightflight and I get some fish?" "Fine.". Ryker left them now. Chris got on Nightflight and flew to the ocean, some hunters were there fishing. Chris looked at them "Need help?" he shouted to them. One hunter answered "Why should we need help?!" another one yells "We can do that all alone!". Chris rolls her eyes and petted Nightflight's neck "Let's show them that we are better". Nightflight nodded, took off and grabbed a fishing net. Now the Snow fury dove into the water gathering alot of fish. Now they fly up into the air gently placing the fish on the boat. The hunters are surprised, Nightflight landed and took some fish for him and Chris. The rider in white armor gave the hunters a smirk, meaning 'Ha idiots'. Now the two went back to their tent. Enjoying their fish.

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