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Heya! I kinda want to explain my two self made dragons because yes.


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The Rockster got its name from my online best friend. The fire of this dragon has two forms. First from is when it ate enough normal stones, so it is more a fire breath like a monstrous nightmare, when it didn't eat enough stones or when it creates the iron, it's a lava pool, like the one from a gronkle. It's a quite "muscular" dragon. One of the most strongest, well physical, dragons out there. The Rockster is related to the gronkle, Catastrophic Quaken and the Eruptodon. Vikings call a Titanwing Rockster "Rinestones" (also the name from my online friend, like the name Rockroach. All credits to the three names goes to her) because it has special markings. The Rockster is pretty friendly to humans but can turn aggressive if provoked. It has four stomachs. Two for stones, one for lava and one for fishes. It likes to eat lava, not only is it good for them but it also helps creating the Rockster iron. A material that's stronger than gronkle iron. The markings of a Rockster is always different to each dragon, to bright to dark ones, natural colors, neon, even grey. Due to the help of its stone like scales it can cloak himself as a rock. That's the reason why Marie made her dragon a moss green saddle, so when it cloaks himself, it looks like moss. There are three different types of Rocksters. 1. Type is when a Rockster egg is on a mountain and hatches close by it, for some reason, it makes the dragon stronger, physically. It markings would be more darker than bright. 2. Type is when a Rockster egg hatches near an active volcano. Giving the Rockster a stronger firey breath, making the Rockster iron much stronger. It may be slightly physically weaker than the type 1, but it's scales are harder. The markings are brighter. Type 3 is when a Rockster egg hatches near an active volcano but also near a mountain, that scenario is super rare, but that happened to Rockroach. Type 3 Rocksters have the physical strength of Type 1, the firey breath/better iron and the harder scales but also the darker markings. Rocksters aren't rare, no not at all. They just live somewhere, where most vikings never been. Not even the hunters.

Snow fury:

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Snow fury:

A wild Snow fury is aggressive forwards humans. Snow furies are related to: Snow raves (very closely), Skrills (close), Changewings (not so close) and speed stingers (not so close). It can live in snowy areas and stormy areas. A Snow fury has the same ability as the Skrill, but also has a freezing breath. It can not create snow storms like the Snow rave. Snow furies can cloak themselves, thats why they are related to Changewings. The end of its tail is like the one from speed stingers. Snow fury Titanwings have electric markings and are much bigger, but they don't have special fire breath (unlike the Rinestones Rockster, it can breath fire stronger than from an monstrous). Like the Rockster, the Snow fury has three types. Type 1: When a S-fury egg hatches in a snowy area, its ice breath is stronger. They cannot take in electricity as much as a Skrill but they can swim greatly in water. S-furies born in snow also have more ice blue skin between its horns. It can cloak itself but not long. Type 2: A S-fury born in a storm, with lightning and ect, have a stronger electricity breath, the ice breath is weaker. It can also bound and mate with a Skrill. The eyes have slight electric waves in its eyes, just like the skin between the horns. The skin does still have the ice blue color, the lightning markings are dark purple with a slight blue. Type 3: When a S-fury egg hatches in snow and while there's a storm, the S-fury basically has the powers from both types. Just that it sometimes happens that the lightning markings aren't there. This happened to Nightflight. He's type 3. (I'm definitely shipping Nightflight with Lyron the Skrill🤭)

So hope this informations helped you understand my dragons better!

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