Kidnapped And Broken Bones

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Weeks have passed since the riders fought the hunters. Marie kept a close eye on Chris to prevent her getting a lil revenge, luckily Chris never tried to do anything.

Trader Johann informed the Dragon riders that the Dragon hunters are on an Island, hunting dragons as usual. The riders were on their way to the Island. The riders attacked the hunters and the hunters attacked back. Everything went alright until Chris was about to safe the twins that got caught by a net, a dragon root arrow hit Nightflight "Nightflight!" Chris cried out, in that moment, a net was shot at them an pulled them on the boat. Marie cries out "No! Chris!" she attempted to safe her old best friend, yet Hiccup called her back, there were to many ships and the riders needed a plan but Marie didn't give up. Chris risked her live to safe hers and now she wants to do the same. Marie ordered Rockroach to fire, many arrows shot at them, the stone dragon and it's rider dodged the attacks. Marie didn't give up until Ryker placed one of his swords to Chris' neck, yelling "DON'T COME CLOSER OR I'LL END YOUR FRIENDS LIFE!". Marie pulled Rockroach back, growling, but now flying away with the other riders.

Ryker locks Chris and his dragon in the cells "Viggo will be happy to see you again" the bold headed viking said before leaving. Due to the fall, Chris broke her arm. He growls, Nightflight makes a growl in respond, showing hes awake but in pain. Chris sat down on the ground, leaning against the ships wooden wall, groaning in pain. Suddenly a voice appears "Who are you?" the voice came from a girl, the woman stepped in the light, she wore a normal tunic in light brown with red in it. The eyes of that girl were shimmering in amber, her hair was light brown, almost blonde, she wasn't really amused by seeing Chris. The white armored viking looked up to the girl "Why ya ask?" "The Ryker guy said something about a other guy being happy to see you. So you are a dragon hunter!" another girl, younger thab the first one said, coming in the light now too, she has sky blue eyes, her hair was blonde and she wore a blue tunic. Chris sighed "Long story. Im to tired to explain". Nightflights growl appeared, he's still in pain but he does feel better now "I know i know Buddy... Ugh how do we always get into these situations?", the Snow fury groaned saying something like 'Don't you mean how YOU get us into these situations?'. Chris giggled "Ok ok! I correct, how do I get us into these situations?". Nightflight made a growl and lied down then. The two girls looked at each other then at Chris "Is this dragon yours?" the first one asked "Yeah. His name is Nightflight." Chris said tired but looking back at the two "What are your names? If you tell me, I'll tell you mine" "Im Lena" "And I'm Neomi" "My name is Chris.". Chris closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep to forget the pain in her arm, yet there was another growl, Chris immediately stood up and tried to look at the dragon that caused the growl, noticing two dragons she only saw in books

The Venomtail

A Tracker class dragon, the spikes in it's tail are poisoness, only to dragons, surprisingly dragon root helps getting rid of the poison

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A Tracker class dragon, the spikes in it's tail are poisoness, only to dragons, surprisingly dragon root helps getting rid of the poison. It walks on two legs but sometimes uses it's wings to walk on 'four' legs, usually to smell more of the ground. The fire breath is extremely hot, hot enough to melt metal, the tongue is always dark green and little bit spiky. The front teeth help tearing into flesh of big types fish and as a weapon against other dragons. The end of the wings and tail always end in the brighter version of the original color that covers almost the whole body. The back legs are strong, not surprising, considering it always stands on them

The other dragon was a Seawing

This dragon lives near the water and lays it eggs in the water

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This dragon lives near the water and lays it eggs in the water. The feathers, help the dragon to swim, surprisingly. The end of the tail is used as a extra help to swim long distances. The Seawing wings are used for swimming but also flying. It mostly walks on two legs, yet it can also walk on four legs. The titanwing version only walks on four legs. This dragon is rather smart, not as smart as the night fury tho. Even if the dragon lives near/in water, it does still breath hot fire, vikings still haven't found out why or how. Every Seawing has 7 sharp ends on the fin, not this one tho. This one only has 5.

Chris looks at the two dragons, fascinated "Wow! I thought these dragons only live east of the archipelago! Sometimes coming to the north but still. How did they get here?" the white armored viking asked herself at the end. One hand around the dragon proof bars, the other one hanging down, he can't move it anymore (Chris can't move it move it anymore😞😔). The Venomtail bit the bars trying to break free "There's no use in that. The bars are dragon proof." Chris explained to the green Venomtail, it growls sadly and lies back. Surprised by this, Lena and Neomi looked at Chris, who sat down again.

Marie was in complete panic "VIGGO'S GONNA KILL HER!" "He won't, Viggo isn't the type to kill someone like this. Chris said he'll sell Nightflight if she breaks the deal" Fishlegs stated, Rockroach cuddles and licks Marie to calm her. Hiccup had his hand on his chin "Fishlegs is right. Viggo definitely will sell Nightflight, so we should go to an auction" "To an auction?! Don't you remember what happened last time?!" Snotlout expelled angry "I have to agree with our snotty Friend there" Tuff began "We lost all of berks gold" Ruff finished "BUT WE HAVE TO GET HER BACK!" Marie yelled at the twins and Snotlout "HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOUR CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND GOT KIDNAPPED?!". The three went silent, something that happens rarely, question is, are they silent because Marie yelled or because of her words? Astrid had hwr arms crossed "We'll get her back and her dragon. With a little help we can do it". Marie started to slowly calm down, Heather placed a hand on Maries shoulder "Everything will be fine. Trust me". Marie nodded, the two other viking ladies hugged their friend and she hugged back

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