Meeting With An Old Friend

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Rykers ship stranded on the hunters island, Chris, the two others women and the dragons got brought to some cells. Everyone got locked up, besides Chris, Ryker brought the 'Traitor' to Viggos tent. "I got her" Ryker said, throwing Chris into the tent, she unfortunately landed on her broken arm and she hisses in pain, standing up again. Viggo had this evil smirk, looking at Chris "Good, you can leave now. Prepare everything for the auction. We have a special guest.". Ryker nodded and left. The younger Grimborn gestured to the seat "Sit down my dear." Chris did so, getting a Deja-vu from their first time meeting. The rider was looking angry at Viggo "You broke the deal. I warned you what would happen to your dragon" "You can't sell him. He's extremely aggressive when separated from me. As soon as the person that bought him, frees him from the cage, Nightflight will go on a rampage, trying to find me. You don't want to risk buyers getting hurt, don't you? They give you the money." "Every buyer can be replaced but not your dragon, am I right?" this threatening tone was back. Chris growled "I swear Viggo I'll rip your throat open with my teeth!" "Calm down now my dear. You can't do anything with this broken arm. You wouldn't risk your dragon getting treated poorly, now would you?". Chris went silent, looking at the floor "I actually thought we could've become friends..." she mumbled "Hm?" "Nothing..". Viggo glared at the person infront of him, but letting out a sigh, he now calls for a hunter. In a few seconds two hunters came "You called?" the first one said "Yes. Lock our guest up in a cage, but a cage away from the Snow fury's one but before that, bring her to our healer. We want our special guest to be healthy when we sell her beloved dragon.". The hunters nod and did what their chief ordered them. In the end, Chris' armed got bandaged and she got locked up in a cell right beside the new girls. The hunters left then. The white armored viking screamed in frustration and kicked the cage. Lena looked at her "What happened?" "This fucker Viggo is planning on selling my dragon! I'll kill him if he really does this!". Chris growled more and tried to break free from the cage, yet watching her arm not wanting to damage it more "Stop! This won't help any of us!" Neomi spoke up. Chris growled an inhuman growl, shaking her head, trying to free his thoughts, until he got an idea "Hey! Venomtail!" she shouted to the half asleep dragon, it holds his head up now "My name is Acheron. What do you need?" "Oh apologies Acheron. I need your help." "Hm?" "Could you shoot a spike right infront of my cage?" "I can do that" the Venomtail male stood up and fired a spike right infront of Chris' cage. Neomi and Lena looked confused and surprised at Chris "How did you?-" "Understand the dragon? I raised my dragon, Nightflight, and that's how i learned their language" she finished the sentence, grabbing the spike and trying to unlock the lock. She listened closely until a click appears and the door opens. Chris kind of stretches himself. She walked to the other two humans, opened their cages "Free the other dragons. I need to get to Nightflight." Lena and Neomi nod, the rider hands them the Venomtail spike, the two run off to free the many dragons, well Lena opens the cages and Neomi makes sure that no hunter interrupts her.

Chris runs to the auction, a man in a purple cloak gave Viggo a bag filled with gold for Nightflight. Chris' heart skipped a beat and anger fills her. She charges at the hunters chief, throwing him on the ground, she was about to punsh him before she felt a sword at her back "Get off him now." Ryker ordered, Nightflight roared angry, threatening and worried, he slams himself against the cage. Chris stood up, turning to Ryker, Viggo got up under her, glaring at the rider and his dragon. The younger Grimborn pushed the dust and dirt off himself, holding the bag thightly. Lena and Neomi came running to them, followed by a big herd of dragons "EVERYONE RUN!!!" Neomi screamed, panicking, Ryker grabbed his other sword, ready to fight the dragons, yet Viggo knew fighting against this many dragons with not enough hunters is a bad idea. He began to ran, away from the dragons, Ryker followed him quickly after realizing fighting won't help.

The white armored rider pulled Neomi, that grabbed Lena's arm, to the side so they won't get hurt. Most dragons already flew away, only a hand full of dragons left, Chris opened Nightflights cage, the dragon immediately gave his owner a hug "I missed you too" she said happily close to tears, Nightflight licked her face "Eww! You know that won't wash off!"
Nightflight laughed. Out of thin air, a high-pitched dragon screech appeared, the Snow fury, its rider and the Venomtail covered their ears in pain, Lena and Neomi jumped at the screech. The dragon rider looked at tge direction from where the sound came from "It's the Seawing!" he  mounted the Snow fury, running to the direction, Lena, Neomi and Acheron following closely. Ten hunters have cornered the scared red and green Seawing lady. Chris got off Nightflight "You know what to do." she said gesturing to the hunters. Nightflight roared his famously terrifying roar, the hunters turned to the Snow fury, before they could even attack Nightflight already ran at them, stinging then with his tail. Lena meanwhile made her way to the Seawing, it was injured "Oh you poor dragon" she softy mumbled, the Seawing growled, scared. Chris got to the Seawing "It's ok. We want to help. What's your name and where's your pack?" "I-I.. Don't have a name.. Nether a pack.. Not anymore... They appended me because i have less fins than them.. They said I'll only make the more vulnerable... But the evil humans said i look like a strawberry". Chris expression softened slightly petting the hurt dragon "Im sorry for what happened my friend... Strawberry you say? That name actually fits you". Lena and Neomi still didn't understand how Chris was able to communicate with dragons. Acheron, the Venomtail, stepped forward, now standing beside Neomi "What should we do now?" it spoke, for the other two humans it was more of a roar.

The dragon riders made their way to the auction "I hope we aren't to late!" Marie shouted, extremely worried for Chris and her dragon "Don't worry. We will be there soon!" Hiccup yelled back. It was slightly hard to communicate, a storm has arrived and the riders needed to be fast "I hate flying in storms!" Snotlout expelled annoyed and worried about his and Hookfangs well being. The twins enjoyed the stormy weather "Snotlout you know we have no other choice if we want to safe Chris!" Astrid explained, a little harsh "Meatlug gets a little uncomfortable but she will handle this! Isn't that right my girl?" Fishlegs petted his gronkle, Meatlug made a happy roar. They left the storm clouds and Snotlout made a loud, relieved sigh. Suddenly a swarm of dragons, different species, flew at their direction. The riders dodged them" What the-?!" Snotlout screamed" Well that's weird" Hiccup mumbled "Hiccup! These dragons have many injuries! They must have fled from the auction. Chris probably has something to do with this!" Marie's mood became brighter. Fishlegs agreed. The dragon riders landed oj the island. They looked around, no sign of the Grimborn brothers. They heard Nightflights roar and immediately made their way to the sound, only to see that the hunters were taken out, Chris' arm bandaged and held with a leader thing up. Two new dragons and two new humans. Venomtail growled at the riders. Chris looked up, a big happy smiled crossed her face, Marie smiled too and the share a hug, the Black haired rider was very careful with her best friends broken arm. Lena and Neomi looked at the riders unsure what to do, Acheron didn't like them, he doesn't trust humans, well beside the three that safed him, Strawberry growled too, for the same reason. Lena walked up to Strawberry "Hey, Strawberry, right? Calm down, they don't look dangerous, and they have dragons too" Lena gave Strawberry a nervous but cheerful smile, the Seawing sniffed Lena and pressed her head against Lena's chest and belly, earning pets from her new friend. The riders smiled at them. Marie let go of Chris "Im so glad that you are alright!" "Did you ever doubt me?~" Chris slightly teased and hugged Marie again.

The riders flew back to the edge, Lena and Neomi are on the zipper, barf and belch, with the twins of course. Nightflight carries Acheron and Strawberry as they were to weak to fly on their own.

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