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Weeks went by, the usual lessons, hanging around clubs and stuff, but the name Kalyan Vishvaas had spread among the students like ivy quickly growing on a wall.
It all started from a Savanaclaw boy saying that he did some meditation tricks and he felt much better, calmer, he struggled less with studying and all the stress. Plus, Vishvaas was great at tutoring, especially in Alchemy and Magical potions. He only required some food as payement, any kind would do.

It wasn't rare to see him having a whole meal in the Mostro Lounge, paid by another student who benefited from his suggestions for a test. They owed him a lot and they preached him as the kindest student ever met.

Kalyan had really good marks, he took his studies seriously even if he had already a head start, he didn't slack. He said he was doing it for his family, to grant them a better future. When he wasn't helping the other students or doing schoolwork, he hanged out in the Pop Music Club. The members were impressed of his vocal range and singing skills.

"Bravo! Bravo!!" Lilia clapped after Kalyan went full Opera Mode covering a song from one of his favorite musicals. "You have talent!" the Fae cheered as Kalyan bowed to the small audience.

"Ah you're too kind!" the serpent beastman replied as he sat on the floor with his legs crossed and took a sip of water. Cater had recorded the performance with his phone to post online

"Hashtag #MermaidsWho?" Diamond laughed after posting it, Kalyan puffed up his chest with pride "Aw you really think I'm as good as a mermaid or a siren? Ahhh, Cater, Cater, that's maybe a bit too far-fetched"

"Are you kidding me?" Kalim chimed in, ecstatic of the performance "What are you even doing here in NRC? You should attend a conservatory!"

"Yeah, with what diploma?" Vishvaas stretched his legs in a perfect split pose and then his back and arms to the side as if doing some gymnastic. He was flexible indeed, in fact he could be seen doing yoga in the Savanaclaw lounge or in the same club sometimes, he said it was to relax and ease stress.

"Hey, hey, I gotta tell Vil about you" Cater started messaging the Pomefiore Dorm Leader about this amazing new talent. He explained the curious serpentine man about the SDC and how the school needed voices and dancers for the competition. Kalyan was confused and asked what the SDC was. Really? He didn't know? Strange... Oh well, the trio explained him about the contest, of how the schools performed and then got judged. Last year was a disaster due to the Overblot incident with Vil and Neige LeBlanc, even if it all got solved in the end.

"Can you dance? You're flexible, I'm sure you can do some good moves!" Kalim proposed, Kalyan blushed a little, saying he wasn't suited for modern dancing. Lilia just patted his back

"Listen here, young man. Mr Schoenheit is an expert in the art of cinema, music and dance. He's an actor, if you don't know something, he'll teach you"

However, when the Fae got closer to the freshman, he felt something radiating from him...
How curious, it felt a lot like the aura of a Fae, yet not too similar. But that wasn't the time to make him feel unease, after all, he was a good soul with noble intentions, and it was rare for a Savanaclaw to be so altruistic.

About fifteen minutes later, the Pomefiore leader, followed by Rook and Epel, stepped in the Club's Hall.
Needless to say that Rook was already praising his beauty and fine clothing, Epel complimented his skills and good heart, since some Pomefiore Freshmen attended his tutoring whenever they had some trouble in their studies. Vil walked around him with a slight smile and nodded at Cater.

"Good thinking, Diamond"

"Eheh, I told you" Chuckled the Heartslabyul boy, encouraging Kalyan to sing something.

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