Polarity Engine

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"Don't change the polarity! Syd, don't change the polarity."

I didn't understand why she said that before hanging up the phone. I knew that, whatever it was, it was going to scramble my brain when I pieced it together.

She mentioned a blueprint for a polarity engine at one point. Shortly later I was having intense recurring dreams for one night. I'd have a thought about a human emotion or experience on one extreme of the spectrum, then I'd warp into the exact polar opposite. It was powerful. Glad to have had that experience.

I've heard some people believe that dreams may be even more real than waking reality. What if you could learn to access certain sleep stages while awake? Learning to dream, in real life?

If so, then you can "dream" fibers of reality into consciousness over time. If you can stay up for weeks, pulling a change one direction, then when you wake up there's heavy ripples of chaotic energy. Learning to smooth the ripples and pull love stories together, more gently, while firm, less chaos, less pain... Keep weaving those nets of love

Spiritual growth is a really challenging thing sometimes. I get caught in the void, the vast expanse of nothingness when you have equal reason to believe, or rationalize, or justify, or excuse, or plan, any number of things.

Do I take action or wait on faith? Do I continue with compassion in one direction, or walk away? Am I avoiding a shadow that needs work, if I don't respond in pure hatred to certain things? Where's the line between a kind soul, and a blind fool?

That's why she told me don't change the polarity. She's doing her own thing. She's not speaking to me, directly, that I'm aware of. She did say she lives in the future. I figured, haha timezones, ha.... I don't really know sometimes...haha!

Don't change the polarity on love and trust. I'm exorcising demons right now. It's what I've been doing for a little bit. My demons are my thoughts, my doubts, my fears, my limitations. My relationships. The problems I have between me and people. I'm exorcising them. While remembering which way to plug everything back in once I clean my head out.

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