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Jimin was nervous. Because, she was literally getting married. She took in a deep breath when her chamber door was knocked.

She looked around and smiled sadly. This was the last time she would see this room for at least four months.

She stood up and walked towards the door. She opened it and a guard bowed and took her towards the carriage that would take them to the village square and Seoul.

 She opened it and a guard bowed and took her towards the carriage that would take them to the village square and Seoul

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She got in and bowed her head at Yoongi who replied with a smile and a bow of his head as well. They began to move to the village square, both of them, occupied with thoughts.

They got there and got down from the carriage, the villagers' screams almost deafening them.

They got there and got down from the carriage, the villagers' screams almost deafening them

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Jimin's hairstyle:

They sat down on the same pillows Namjoon and Seokjin sat on and the Priest started all the necessary stuff

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They sat down on the same pillows Namjoon and Seokjin sat on and the Priest started all the necessary stuff.

They got to the vows.

"Park Jimin, I promise to respect you the way a husband should, cherish you like the valuable gem you are, be faithful and loyal to you, never sleep with anyone that is not you, trust you with all my heart, protect you from all the dangers out there and love you, even if it will take time", Yoongi smiled at Bomin who smiled back at him with slightly teary eyes.

"I, Park Jimin, promise you, Jeon Yoongi, that I will respect and treat you the way a wife should and I promise to never let you go, even after death, I will be faithful and loyal to you only, I will never sleep outside our matrimony, I promise to give you the trust you deserve and I promise to love you as well, no matter how long it will take", Jimin said and Yoongi smiled widely at her.

"Do you, Jeon Yoongi take Park Jimin to be your wife, in sickness and in health, poverty and wealth, good times and bad times, till death do you part?", the Priest asked.

"I do, forever and ever", Yoongi said.

"Do you, Park Jimin, take Jeon Yoongi to be your husband, in sickness and in health, poverty and wealth, good times and bad times, till death do you part?", the Priest turned to Jimin who nodded.

"I do, till death do us part", Yoongi smiled.

"You may now kiss the bride", Yoongi leaned forward and kissed Jimin's cheek, giving a subtle pinch to it afterwards.

The villagers cheered and the newly wedded couple stood up and bowed to the Priest, going to their carriage and getting in.

They got back to the palace and Jimin and Yoongi went in.

Jimin bowed to her parents. Her parents smiled.

"Make a wish, my baby girl", Hyeri said with a sad smile and teary eyes. She looked like she was going to burst into tears any minute.

"I wish to take Miyoung along with me, I hope it's not much", Jimin said and Hyeri nodded.

"Your wish is granted and no, whatever you request can never be too much", the King said and Jimin sobbed as she jumped into her father's arms, her hair falling into the long plaited ponytail it was before it was packed and held in place. Yoongi made a mental note to always play with Jimin's hair whenever he had time.

The parents had never cut their hair and they never will. They just didn't see the reason for it.

"I'm going to miss you so much, mother and father, I really am", Jimin sobbed in her father's neck, using her other arm to hug her mom and the three cried in each other's embrace. The three of them looked like babies.

Minjung pulled away and kissed Jimin's forehead, wiping her tears. "Do not cry, love, you can come visit, we're always here and we promise to visit as well, honey", he uttered and Jimin only produced more tears.

"Come on now, please stop crying, you're breaking my heart, and also, you don't want to keep your husband waiting, do you?", Hyeri scolded fondly.

Jimin blushed and Yoongi smiled with a faint tint of pink on his cheeks.

"It's quite alright, Queen Hyeri, I do not mind, it's very hard to leave people who have been with you for so long", Yoongi said and the King and Queen smiled.

Jimin would surely be treated like a gem.

After twenty more minutes, Jimin finally separated from her father and kissed his cheeks before doing the same to her mom.

She bowed and both of her parents touched her head with smiles of sadness and joy.

"Always be happy Jimin, never let your precious smile falter, it would be a disaster if it falters", Jimin thought of these words even as they were in the carriage, taking her to her new home.

She didn't realise she was crying until Yoongi gently pulled her into his arms.

"Yeobo, if you keep crying like this, I think I will too and our coachman will panic", Yoongi said sadly as he wiped Jimin's tears who cried loudly, already missing her parents.

"It hurts so m-much.....yet wh-why do I fee-feel okay?", Jimin stuttered.

"It hurts because, you're leaving your parents and it feels okay, because you're married now and you have someone who will always protect you", Yoongi comforted and Jimin smiled, the smile that made Yoongi melt all the time.

They looked at each other for what felt like an eternity but Jimin knew it was more and she felt happier than ever, another warm feeling bubbling up in her chest.

So, that's Part 2 of the wedding chapters. I think I got a little too emotional on this one. Next chapter is the last, Taehyung's wedding. This one is also 1k words so..hehe.

Stay tuned. Have a good day/afternoon/evening/night.

Eat well and stay safe and healthy.


I love you and love yourselves♥️.

I'll think of a name for you guys, byeee💕.


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