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Taehyung didn't know what to feel. Sad, angry, happy, numb?. She honestly didn't know.

She was getting married, she was giving herself to someone. She didn't know what to feel as Eunhee prepared her for her wedding. Something she was afraid and excited for.

"Unnie, don't be sad, he's going to treat you well", Tae looked at her sadly. "I know, but, I'm leaving the place I grew up, Eunhee-ah", Tae sniffled.

"Ah, no, don't cry, you can make a wish after your wedding, you should be smiling, unnie", Eunhee chastised softly.

"I know my wish", she said as the door was knocked. "See you in four months, unnie", Eunhee said sadly.

"I'll see you soon Eunhee-ah", Taehyung followed the guard to the carriage that would lead them to the village square.

"I'll see you soon Eunhee-ah", Taehyung followed the guard to the carriage that would lead them to the village square

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Tae bowed to Jeongguk and Jeongguk did the same and smiled at her.

"Are you excited?", he asked Tae who sighed. "I am but at the same time nervous because, I'm literally getting married, I'm leaving where I grew up for basically most of my life and leaving here is a new thing for me so I don't even know what to feel, it's all new to me and it's scary and exciting at the same time", Taehyung ranted and blushed after she realised it.

Jeongguk chuckled. "I understand what you're trying to say, and I know it will take time for you to adjust which I'm perfectly fine with, I just hope we can be on good terms. I'm nervous as well, but I cannot show it because I'm a future King, and Kings apparently do not show weakness", Jeongguk huffed.

Tae giggled and they chatted until they got to their destination.

They got to the village square and got down and the villagers cheered and screamed.

They got to the village square and got down and the villagers cheered and screamed

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Tae's hairstyle:

Jungkook imagined how long Tae would have had to sit down for them to do her hair and how many maids must have done it

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Jungkook imagined how long Tae would have had to sit down for them to do her hair and how many maids must have done it. He was sure he was going to become a personal maid when it came to Taehyung's hair.

They sat down on the cushion pillows and the Priest started the necessary performances.

They had gotten to the vows.

"I, Jeon Jeongguk, promise to treat you the way a wife should be treated, love and cherish you all the days of my life, keep you by my side and make you happy all the time. Protect you from all the dangers of this world and value the precious diamond you are, honour you, be loyal and faithful to you and once again, love you, all the days of my life", Jeongguk said and Tae sniffled.

"I-I, Park Taehyung, promise to honour and be faithful to you as my husband, cherish you as my King, stay by your side in good and bad times, allow you to protect me and teach me to defend myself, love you, no matter how long it takes", Tae Eun smiled and Jeongguk did as well.

"Do you, Jeon Jeongguk take Park Taehyung to be your wife, in sickness and in health, poverty and wealth, good times and bad times, till death do you part?", the Priest asked.

"I do", Jeongguk answered.

"Do you, Park Taehyung take Jeon Jeongguk to be your husband, in sickness and in health, poverty and wealth, good times and bad times, till death do you part?", the Priest asked again and Tae smiled.

"I do", she smiled and the Priest nodded.

"You may now kiss the bride", Jeongguk kissed Tae's hand and cheek making her blush

The exchange of rings would take place in Seoul the next day.

Taehyung and Jeongguk stood up, bowing to the priest and the King and Queen of Seoul.

They walked back to their carriage, leaving the village square and going to the palace Tae was going to see for the last time in a long time.

They got there and Taehyung jumped out, nearly falling as she ran in, immediately hugging her parents who broke down with her, crying their hearts out.

Tears of sadness and joy. Their last daughter was leaving them as well. Jeongguk couldn't help but get emotional.

"E-E-Eomma, I don't wa-want to go, I don't want t-to leave you h-here", Tae cried as her mother hugged her as if she was going to disappear any time soon.

"M-make--", Queen Hyeri inhaled sharply. "Make a w-wish, darling, any-anything", she stuttered.

"I want to ta-take Eunhee wi-with me", Tae then started to cry in her father's arms, her hair unfolding and falling down her back to the end of her hanbok and trailing a little on the floor.

"No pr-problem, your wish is granted honey", the King tried to smile but one look at Taehyung's face was enough for him to start crying as well. This taught Jeongguk that Kings do show weaknesses.

Jeongguk took Tae into his arms, trying to comfort her but she wasn't even in her mind, thinking about how she was leaving her whole family behind. The place she had grown up, eaten, been taught, gotten in trouble, disciplined, played in, she was leaving it and going somewhere she hadn't ever heard about.

Tae looked miserable. She had tears all over her face, she was red, her nose was stuffy and she was breathing with her mouth. The King pulled Tae into his arms and tried shushing her but it wasn't working.

Jeongguk quickly but respectfully pulled Taehyung out of his arms and embraced her.

His eyes watering as Taehyung wailed louder. He bowed. "I promise to personally bring Taehyung here to visit but we must leave, my apologies", he said and the King and Queen nodded.

Jungkook then took Taehyung outside and into their carriage, hugging her tightly as she sobbed miserably.

After minutes of rocking her, she fell asleep. Jeongguk smiled sadly. "You'll be fine, my world, I promise you that everything that makes you cry like this will be eradicated", Jeongguk promised as he looked at a peaceful but troubled Taehyung.

Hi, my chicks. That's my nickname for y'all.
This is the last chapter for the wedding series. Next chapter is their arrival in Seoul and the ring exchange ceremony. 1k words as well.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!.

Eat well and stay safe and healthy ♥️♥️.

I love you and love yourselves ♥️♥️💜.



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