𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚔𝚎𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚗 - 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸🔞- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻

27 4 0

Contains: Angst with happy ending / Hurt-comfort / Blood / Injury tending / Fluff / Mentions of trauma / Crying. Read at your own risk!


Jungkook's POV:

Bloody sweat was rolling down my forehead and, on my body, making my clothes sticky and suffocating. I could barely breathe through violent sobs and winces, while a burning fire was starting inside me ㅡ my heart was beating faster, a pumping feeling flowing to my lower side.

My sobs turning into quiet whimpers, the tears that were once rolling down my cheeks being replaced with saliva, gathering in the corners of my mouth, ready to leak down across my face.


Yoongi was the first one to move his hands on me again ㅡ the hand pinning my wrists loosened, leaving me free, yet not moving in protest anymore.

Taehyung laughed, unmounting my legs and letting Yoongi pull my upper body between his thighs.

"Hmm~ let's see now." He aligned my legs, smirking at the sight beneath him. "Finally, he won't break the fun anymore, heh~" Sliding his hands from my knees, higher to my thighs. "Am I right?" He sank his fingers into the fabric, making me whimper helplessly, arching my back and earning a satisfied hum from the angel.

Yoongi was tilting my chin up, holding me from looking at Taehyung's doing ㅡ the element of surprise pushing even loud gasps through my lips ㅡ while his other hand was pinching my nipples slightly, then harder... and harder...

"Mhh..." I parted my lips, letting out quicker, shorter breaths, which was making him lower his head and giggle down at me.

At the same time, Taehyung was rubbing my thighs, lifting my shirt away from the hips and grabbing on the waistband of my pants. My body flinched when the angel pulled one of my nipples hardly, rubbing it between his fingers. My legs unwillingly closed the moment Taehyung started unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down. Without any effort, he lifted my lower body, dragging the pants down and throwing them on the floor ㅡ a small splash sound echoed through the room... there goes the clothes.

Both his hands gripped on my hips while he lowered himself to lick my thighs, locking on multiple spots to suck and bite. I was hissing each time, trying to move away, but to no avail.
He lifted his head, moving his lips to my abs and biting hard on the skin as he moved his hands on my swollen thighs, spreading them effortlessly.

"Good boy~ " Yoongi said, seeing my nipples hardening and pointing through my shirt. He took his hand from my chest, letting go of my chin and gripping the fabric. He whispered, while pulling my shirt up. "Slowly now, lift your arms. Let me see your pretty skin~"

I grunted, the dizziness lurking inside my mind taking control over any sign of rationality. As he said, I obeyed, lifting my arms and giving him the chance to pull of my shirt. He chuckled demonically, another splash ringing through the room as he threw it on the ground.

Cold shivers were running through my body, the sticky, wet feeling of sweat only making the cool air to pierce through me even easier and deeper. The wet mattress beneath me instinctively made me try and scoot higher on Yoongi's lap
ㅡ immediately followed by a chain of evil laughs of satisfaction.

The pair of hands going up my inner thighs and between them were now hardly pressing and rubbing my dick through the fabric, squeezing and scratching my skin.

I grunted, weakly moving my hand towards my lower side, attempting to cover myself up from the dark angels, only to get leisurely pulled away and exposed once again. Each touch, no matter how small, was sensing powerful waves of pleasure, making me whimper and lean unwillingly into their hands.

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