The Cornfield Which Held the Scarecrow

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The breeze felt nice against my face. Everyone has been a pain in the ass, but to be a proxy is to know a proxy. Did that make sense..?

I walked in the rows of corn, enjoying the tall crops.

The whole place was settling, calm and collective. The sun settled down.
I enjoyed the view and the breeze. I closed my eyes and took a breath of the cold air.

"BOO!" I screamed and jumped up, throwing my fist to someone's face.
"Ow! Fuck, [f/n]! It's just me!"
I opened my eyes, looking to Jeff's face, as he was holding the bridge of his nose.

"Oh my, Jeff. I am so sorry! " my face flushed red of embarrassment. "I-I.. I didn't know-" I paused for a moment. This wasn't all my fault. "IT WAS YOUR FUCKING FAULT! You decided to break my peace, Mr.Funnyman!"

"Hey. Mr.Funnyman is Gamzee. " he chuckled. "HoNk, HoNk!" Jeff squished his nose at the honks and made me laugh.

Jeff was the funniest person I've ever met. He's so childish and filled with energy, he doesn't even need to think about a joke, it can just pop out of his head.

He placed two fingers upon my head and made me horns. "Hey look, I am KarKitty! " he managed to do a perfect Karkat voice, and while he talked, he moved my head up, down, and sideways, still pulling off the horns. "Fuckity fuck fuck bitch mother of fuck fucker fuck!"

We both laughed. I laughed so hard, I had trouble keeping my balance and all you could hear is me doing a, gasp then laugh, gasp then laugh.
I held onto my stomach and waited for it to calm down.

Jeff and I walked in the rows cornfield. And, I felt a finger tickle my side.

"EEP!" I jumped and turned around quickly, then looked at Jeff. "Jeff was that you?"

He nodded side to side. "I don't know what you're talking about. " he laughed and made it pretty clear that it was him. I laughed too and we kept walking.

"Never mind, crazy." I rolled my eyes and shivered.

It was getting cold and it was getting pretty dark. I crossed my arms and breathed out warm air onto my hands.

He broke the silence, "it's pretty cold for hell, huh?" I laughed and he did too. Then he grabbed me and spun me around, putting his black hoodie on me. "Is that cozy enough?"

"Jeff.. You don't ha-"

He interrupted, "yes I do, [f/n]. "

My eyes were upon his chest packed with scars. Does he even lift, bruh? I blushed and looked at the ground.
He's not t-
my thoughts got interrupted by arms that snaked around my waist. I looked up and saw Jeff looking behind me.

I shivered and yelled. I grabbed the mysterious stuffed arms and turned to see who held me.

It was a scarecrow who grinned and laughed with glee. "I got you didn't I!"
She jumped came out from the crops and I screamed, surprised at my finding. I mean holy shit! It's a fucking scarecrow! Like I fucking see a walking, talking Scarecrow in my everyday life!

Jeff laughed too and approached the scarecrow, giving her a fist pump.

"Ah! And who's this lady, Jeff!? I watched her whisper up to Jeff's ear.

"N-No. It's not like that.. She's a friend, and she's a new proxy. " Jeff rubbed his arm and you could see a faint blush upon his white, pale cheeks. I already pretty much knew what she said..

"Riiight... Sure. Man, I haven't worked for whatshisnoface in a while! How is that bafoon!?" The scarecrow seemed so happy and cheerful. She seemed like that person you couldn't possibly get tired of. The loud, fun talking that was always so entertaining.

"Meh. Boring as bloody always." He responded back.

"Of course. " she turned to me and grinned. "Got any questions for me newborn? Hehe! Why am I a scarecrow? Or why I stay here? Eh?" She nudged my shoulder and I smirked. "I know you do!"

And she was right, I did. "Are you here, alone?" I looked around to see if any other was here.

"Er... Yes. It gets pretty boring. " she sighed and frowned, her stuffed body let go like a ragdoll.

"Wow. But why, and were you a proxy as well before?" She looked at me as if wasn't supposed to say that question. "Y-You don't have to answer if you'd like."

"No-No. It's fine. Sit!" She dropped to the ground and crossed her stuffed scratched up legs. She patted the ground to make us sit.

After Jeff and I sat, she began. "Well. It all started with a, TBBBBT!" She made a fart noise and laughed her stuffed ass off. I guess you can call it LMSAO..? No.. Otay.

Jeff chuckled and facepalmed. "She's on a watch. She's still a proxy."

"They thought it'd be funny to send me, the scarecrow into the cornfield watch, to observe what dangers will be coming. I mean, they let the others choose their stations but forced me here. Ha-ha. Fucked up, man. Fucked up. They got a letter from an unknown group of people saying that we will possibly get attacked. They have proxies all around the town. We've all been assigned to this for MONTHS! Which is why I've never gotten to greet you, noob!" She ruffled my hair and I tried fixing it back to its normal position. "But our shifts end in 2 more months. So I'll get to throw wasabi at Slendy again by then." She laughed. Her smile was satisfying. The strings sowed onto her mouth extended which made it entertaining. They look like they are about to rip off. I see a few already ripped.

"haha alright Scarecrow. Me and [f/n] have to go back. We'll see you another time." He got up and so did I.

"Oh! [f/n]! What a beautiful name! I am just Scarecrow. Hehe, see you around guys."

I thanked her and we watched her disappear into the cornfield.

"She's amazing." I said. "She's so energetic and fun."

"Yep. I think you are more amazing, [f/n]." I turned away and bit my lip, nervously. "Haha, it's funny getting you flattered. But I wish you'd just look up so I can see your beauty."
I blushed even more and I crossed my arms.

"No, I am not." I doubted that. I bet he's just playing around. I waited for that Just Kidding.

But it never turned up. "yes you are. Keep thinking that, but I have my own thoughts. And I think you're stunning."

I was still turned away and he stopped me from walking. His hands grabbed my shoulders and he let go of one to turn my face towards his. My eyes didn't meet his though. Mine were just roaming the atmosphere around us. It got really awkward as he studied my face.

I tried not to smile, but I did. I sucked in my lips and then said, "What? Gosh..." And my face was burning red at this time.

"You're beautiful. "

I decided to meet eyes with him. They were dark. I could see myself in them. My heart raced and pumped. I've never blushed this hard before. I bet I looked like a fucking tomato.

I looked at the ground. When I did, arms went around me. I am sure it wasn't Scarecrow this time. My face was buried in his chest and I snaked my arms around his neck.

"Thank you." I said and smiled.

We stood there for awhile, under the golden moonlight. His chest no longer felt cold.

I felt like I belonged in his arms. This moment I wanted to cherish.

I looked up at him. He looked relaxed and he put his head on my shoulder.
His pitch-black hair flowed.

I love being in his arms. I had a fuzzy feeling inside me.

I don't know when it will end, but hopefully it doesn't end soon.

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