I) Meet and Greet

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"Sir, you're extremely early for this meeting," Espressos manager tried to say. Espresso shruged, turned around, then said, "That's fine you can just give me an idea of what it's about," and then continued to his workspace. "Sir, the entire point of the meeting is to explain why we suggest this addition!" The manager kept trying to explain to Espresso as he walked down the hall. "Well, get on with it then, I don't have the schedule for your yammering!" He snapped at the manager. "I thought of an idea to boost your popularity and everyone's profits," the manager began, "And?" Espresso listened, becoming intrigued. "Well, the team thought about collaborating with another agency." The manager said to Espresso, who seemed to have his attention now. "Okay, thank you. Continue during the meeting," Espresso responded with. "Also, order a coffee, the usual," he said before the manager left. The manager nodded and left the room.

Meanwhile, at Madeleines agency. "Are you serious? I'm going to model with thee Espresso!? Madeleine bounced when he heard the news. "Well, not quite yet, we still need Espresso himself to agree to the collaboration." Madeleines manager explained to the hyper model. "Ah.. Okay," Madeleine hoped the other model would agree to the collab.

Back as the Espresso agency the meeting has commenced. They're discussing reasons why and how a collaborative partner would be beneficial to both of their successes. Espresso listened to their ideas and agreed to most of them. "Espresso, all that we need for you to do is accept the collaberative offer, then the deal is set in stone." Espressos manager said to him, all eyes were on the model. "Before I agree to anything I would like to know who you are talking about," Espresso replied. "Well we offered to multiple agencies and only 1 agreed, being the Madeleine agency." The manger replied with hope in his eyes. Espressos smirk dropped to a frown. "Out of all of them only the blondie accepted, how unfortunate, well I suppose as long as it brings popularity and profit I'll agree," the entire office grinned and began writing things down. Espresso left to prepare for his upcoming... meetings.

Back at the Madeleine head office, the manager was rushing with great news to report to Madeleine. "Madeleine! Espresso accepted the collaboration!" The manager told Madeleine who was already excited to begin with. "Oh my gosh, really!? I am going to be meeting Espresso, one of the best models of this time! I'll have to prepare, where are we meeting? When are we meeting? I'll have to order a new suit, well I need to get a whole new look for him too," Madeleine began rushing around his office, preparing for something that the other found as only a convenience to his own prosperity.

A few days later the meeting had been set to that date. Espresso awaited in the meeting room, counting the seconds as they go by, sipping a cup of his usual drink. "As I thought he would be late, what a waste of time waiting for such an,-" Espresso was cut off from the shriek opening of a door. "Mr. Espresso, I would like you to meet Madeleine, your new collaborative partner," Madeleines manager introduced the two. Espresso stood up as Madeleine, himself, waltzed into the room. Espresso never noticed the difference it height before, probably because he had only seen the blond in ads and magazines before. Madeleine grabbed the others hand. "I am extremely pleased to meet you Espresso! I hope we can get to know each other and maybe become friends!" Madeleine beamed with excitement, Espresso found it quite...annoying. "Yes it is quite, nice to meet your acquaintance Madeleine, as you said I hope we can get to know each other," Espresso replied, recoiling his hand from the others grasp. "Ah, sorry that I grabbed your hand!" Madeleine apologized. Espresso nodded understandingly annoyed, then sat down on the chair behind him. "You may leave now," Madeleine glared at his manager. They nodded then left the room leaving them inside it.

Madeleine sat on the chair across from the cultivated model he was zealous about. "Can I ask, why did you agree to this collab? Out of all of the other models why me and my agency?" Madeleine asked Espresso. "Because you were the only one to agree, everyone else had either signed a contract to limit collaborative projects, or are already in the middle of one," Espresso explained to the blond in front of him. Madeleines smile faded, now knowing he wasn't a near first pick of the model he admired. "Ah okay, that makes much sense, though I appreciate that you accepted in general! I'm sure we'll become great friends by the end, and maybe we'll collaborate often!" Madeleine said happily, he was hoping to build a relationship with his role model. "Ah yes, maybe in the future," Espresso replied knowing that this was only the beginning of a long and tedious meet and greet.

The meeting continued with Madeleine making droll and expendable remarks, attempting to be witty. Espresso responded with much but a sentence or two after the other gibbered on about information that he himself does not care about. "My favorite cake is vanilla with a pinch of lemon!" Madeleine said to the unamused model in front of him. "Ah, how delectable," Espresso groaned as the unnecessary information clouded his brain. He kept a positive facial expression until the manager interrupted them both. "Espresso, you have a shoot you need to be at in thirty minutes. I am sorry Madeleine but he will have to continue with a different date," the manager explained. While Madeleines face dropped, Espressos mood brightened. "We shall rendezvous another time, it was a pleasure to meet you Madeleine," Espresso said, holding out his hand to be shook. Once again Espressos gestures were ignored, and rather than shaking his hand Madeleine hugged him. Espresso taken aback, rolled his eyes but patted the others back. "Its great to meet you as well! I hope we meet again soon!" The blond said to the brown, if you were to look closely you would see a hint of red admitting off of the two models faces. "Yes, yes, now excuse me but I have a un-rearrangeable schedule to accommodate to," Espresso backed off, then left the other model in the room.

"So how was Madeleine? Do you think he'll be a good partner?" Espressos manager asked as they got into the car. "He is rather annoying, and his sense of understanding is rather jumbled together. Though from his prosperity he has gained I believe he will become a good business partner," Espresso explained as they sat inside the vehicle. "Well thats good! I hope you can both get along well by the end!" The manager hoped as they began to drive to the scene of the photo shoot.

"Mr. Madeleine, how did you like the meeting? Do you think Espresso will be a good collab partner?" Madeleines manager asked with anticipation. "It went great! We talked about things we liked, things we want to learn or already know!" Madeleine said getting into his own car. "I think this is a start of a great friendship!" Madeleine cheered. They both shared a good smile them continued with their own business.

I hope to those who read this found it enjoyable! While this isn't my first rodeo in fan-fiction it is in creating my own book cover! Let me know what you all think of it in the comments because I want to know!
words: 1274

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