III) Day Two

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"Are you sure this is Espressos...House?" Madeleine asked his driver once they got there. "I followed his managers car to here so it must be right," the driver responded with a shrug. Madeleine got out of the car to be greeted by Espressos manager. "Hello Madeleine, sorry this has happened as it never has before," Espressos manager said Madeleine. "I'm not alarmed by it, if you'd like I can carry him into his...House?" Madeleine offered to the manager. "That would be very helpful thank you. He lives in the studio condo on the 5th floor on the left, I unlocked the door already so you can just take him in there," Espressos manager said before getting into their car. "Alright!" Madeleine carried Espresso into the lobby of the condominium. Madeleine pushed the  elevator button, then pressed the 5th floor button. He awkwardly stood with the other model in his arms as the elevator ascended. "5th floor on the left..." Madeleine reiterated what the manager had said. "Aha," he muttered as he pushed on the door.

Madeleine was greeted with a neat and tidy living room. Madeleine placed Espresso on the large couch. He took off the others large coat and shoes, as well as his expensive suit vest. Madeleine went to look for a bedroom but couldn't find one, only a bathroom and a small lab. Madeleine shrugged it off for now and went to see how Espresso was doing. He found a blanket and lied it on top of Espresso who was ever so slightly shivering. Since Madeleine was worried for Espresso, he made the bright idea to stay overnight to make sure he woke up ok. He locked the condos door then put a pillow on the floor and lied on it. He used his own coat as a make shift blanket. "Goodnight, sleep well," Madeleine whispered as he drifted to sleep as well...

Madeleine tossed and turned to the smell of something...burning? "What in name of Light is burning?!" Madeleine shot up from his slumber and looked around. "I burnt my coffee beans," Espresso snapped at the blond. "Oh, Espresso you're awake, sorry for staying overnight uninvited I just wanted to make sure you were safe!" Madeleine explained himself as Espresso tried to make do with his newly burnt coffee beans. "My manager told me," Espresso bluntly said as he ground his beans. "Oh no! Work! I totally forgot about work! I need to get home and-," Madeleine was cut off by Espresso shushing him. "It is Saturday Madeleine, it is our day off," Espresso explained as he put the coffee into the coffee maker. "Oh, it is..?" Madeleine asked drowsily. "Yes," Espresso said with a sip of his freshly made bitter, burnt, black coffee. "Did you put this blanket over me?" The blond asked while getting up from the floor, there was a black and grey blanket covering him. "You were whimpering around 3:50am, so I put it over you so you would stop," Espresso said with a face of disgust after he dumped his coffee down the drain. "Have you been up since?" Madeleine asked, which Espresso nodded to.

"How many coffees have you had?" Madeleine asked with concern. "This was going to be my first one, but then I unfortunately ruined it," Espresso said while looking for more coffee grounds in his cabinets. "Why do you pronounce it like that?" Madeleine asked with a confused face as he walked to Espressos kitchenette. "What do you mean? I said I ruined my coffee?" Espresso said looking at the other with confusion as well. "You're adding emphasis on the 'u'," Madeleine pointed out. "Seriously?" Espresso looked at him with a dead-beat resting face and rolled his eyes, then continued his search for grounds. "Crumbs, I'm out of coffee grounds," Espresso said with annoyance. "At least it refrains you from consuming something that is slowly killing you." Madeleine did a pose where he looked as if he defeated a dragon. "Okay," Espresso said going to the door with his car keys. "What are you doing?" Madeleine asked going to the door as well. "Buying coffee," Espresso put on his shoes and coat before Madeleine stopped him. "You don't need coffee every day," Madeleine grabbed the hand Espressos keys were in. "It keeps me awake throughout the day and night. If it benefits me then I can do as I please!" Espresso tried yanking his hand from Madeleines tough grip. "It benefits you now but in the near future it can cause cardiac arrest!" Madeleine tried to peruse Espresso from getting coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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