
14 3 1

Fear of cats

He straighten my tie, my buttoned down shirt, and my position. He want to look perfect, he wants this to be perfect.

I ring the small silver looking doorbell, cold to touch. The noise brought life to his ears, for he loved music.

He wanted for a response and rocked back and forth. Heal, toe, heal, toe.

The door opened and he stopped. He looked at the warm welcoming face and gave it back.

He recognized her long brunette locks that flowed off her shoulders and matched her outfit.


She moved out the way, letting him enter. The aroma smelled oddly familiar, he despised it.


He looked around as she shut the door. Pictures of cats and other fluffy creatures surrounded her entryway.


He asked himself why such a beautiful women would have so much love of cats? He felt a sneeze occurring, he tried holding it in as best as possible.


The aroma thickened, he noticed a liter box under the coffee table


We entered the kitchen. 1,2,3,4,5,6. 6 cats. I sneeze.

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