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Fear of becoming or being angry

"Okay listen, don't take this the wrong way-"

"Wrong way? Why would you think that?" She played with her long and sharp neon nails. "I just remember what you said exactly 4 months ago." She batted her eyelashes.

Guiltiness scented off of him, she took it all in with a big whiff. "I know but-"

"You say but too much, baby" he looked straight into her eyes, they felt like lasers.

"This is what I came to talk about-"

"To not to say but anymore? Come closer I could help," She batted her eyes once again.

He broke his gaze with hers. "No, listen, I don't think this is working out."

She angered upright "What?"

"I think we should go separate ways. I need a real dedicated relationship,"

"We can have a dedicated relationship, I can do whatever you want." Her eye twitched, he could see if she was hiding it or not.

"I'm serious, C-"

"I'm serious too." Her voice stuttered. "And you do not want to see me angry,"

"Don't be so ridiculous-"

"Ridiculous!?" She cried. "I hate my angry side!" She smacked her wine glass off the coffee table onto the floor, leaving a mess.


"Stop!? Don't say my name ever! You should be ashamed to say my name! No one breaks up with me, I break up with them!?"

"Then break up with me," he straightened himself on the couch.

She huffed. "Too. Late."

She sat up from the couch whisk-fully and walked into the kitchen. "What are you doing, just calm down." He stood up and peered into the hallway to the kitchen.

"Calm down!?" She slammed her fist on the marble counter. She paused. "I am calm," She breathed.


"But, how am I, good?" She mumbled. "When the one, that said I'm perfect, and throws me away?!" She grabbed a knife from the wooden cutlery rack.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Oh," she breathed. "This little thing?"
She glided her pointed finger across the blade.

"Watch it, you're gonna hurt yourself!"

"I've already been hurt, why should this hurt more?"

"Stop it, it will get better."

"Better?!" She screamed. "I've packed my anger away for so long! It took years for me to get better, and to get a new life. You will never understand, this will take even more years to fix!?!"

"I understand,"

"No you don't!"



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